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Mutant race or races?


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Well, im not sure if people would like that, but after seeing those furry races (god help me) i think it deserves a try.


My idea is just to add lightly mutated humans, with some mutant feacures like, dont know, maybe green-brown skin? or with spots, maybe some animal eyes or who knows, horns and spikes? Just not only having the ghouls as the mutant race.


The idea is to change the race after the tutorial (with the showracemenu command or something else) to roleplay that you aren't inmune to mutation either.


Well, and thats the idea, i will wait your opinions or if someone can do that.


See you later and good hunt.

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Seems easy enough. Give the player green, blotchy skin and force the player scale to 1.2. Maybe also add some muscles or a thicker head.

To anyone who reads this, pulling this off would probably make you modder of the year. And I wholeheartedly support this idea, for whatever it's worth.

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Hmmm. But it's not just about the look. Generally, mutants are rejected. So if you wanted it to really fit in, you'd have to change a lot of dialogue.


Well, not necessary. Remember that there are race unlocks for ghouls, and they dont have differents dialogs i think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is sad to resurrect your own Thread, but them it would be better than asking this again.


Well... some things i have to say.. it doesnt need to be a supermutant mod. In fact, i know that would be TOO complex to do. Just asking for some skin recolour to make it more mutantish and... if you feel creative, replace the teeths for something sharper.


Well, just that, sorry for necrothread this.

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