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Eye contract/turning heads


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Hello gamers of the world!


Some of the many things I loved about Oblivion, were the little things; the small details. One thing I thought was really cool, was that your character always, when stepping into a proximity zone of another character, locked eyes with that character. This means that when you talk to someone, your character actually looks at them. Anotehr thing is that when your character/Avatar in Oblivion encounters someone he/she didn't like, she would make a grimase or look angry.


This is something I find lacking with Fallout 3. This is really sad. All my character/avatar does is stare straight ahead into nothing. This has to be fixable? Some mod perhaps, or is it a mod I already have that ruins this? A list of my mods follows after this text. I want my avatar/character to show anger and frawn and grin and so on, when he/she is fighting with Raiders. He/She just has this static stare when she is fighting. Only when fireing her/his weapon he/she changes expression for a brief second. Please! Any help to change the face expressions and head turning/eye contact.



Mods installed:



-Project Beauty HD

-other smaller mods (only adding weapons)

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My boy has seen his follower show her teeth when she was angry. Nothing more than that really. But I do very much agree with you that I dearly miss my characters turning their heads when in contact with another being. I find it disappointing and very immersion killing. Probably not much can be done about it though.


You might want to have this moved to Modification Requests for better coverage.




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Yes, I was also surprised to see the player character always has the same blank expression on their face except when attacking. It would have been good to see the pain and anguish on the face as you limp back to Megaton with crippled limbs, or while standing over the dead body of Amata after you watch the Enclave murder her (though I understand some would want a more happier expression for this !?) - it would maybe give a more emotional response and connection from us, the players. I think Oblivion has this detail because it was designed primarily for the PC platform first, and any others second?
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I still don't get how you are seeing the characters face all the time... If I am limping back to Megaton wounded I will be looking at the back of my character or in 1st person view...


Or am I the only one who doesn't have the reverse camera mod that makes you look at the front of your character?

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If SPOILER !!! The Enclave is a scripted Event in Vanilla you just killed the surprise for me :(

Next time please write "SPOILER" before such thinks.


I agree with the folks here. Also, the blank face might still have merrits, if you have'nt installed

a Wasteland beautification mod :P The radiation gets ta yah, yah know :)



Yes, I was also surprised to see the player character always has the same blank expression on their face except when attacking. It would have been good to see the pain and anguish on the face as you limp back to Megaton with crippled limbs, or while standing over the dead body of Amata after you watch the Enclave murder her (though I understand some would want a more happier expression for this !?) - it would maybe give a more emotional response and connection from us, the players. I think Oblivion has this detail because it was designed primarily for the PC platform first, and any others second?

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Yes, I was also surprised to see the player character always has the same blank expression on their face except when attacking. It would have been good to see the pain and anguish on the face as you limp back to Megaton with crippled limbs, or while standing over the dead body of Amata after you watch the Enclave murder her (though I understand some would want a more happier expression for this !?) - it would maybe give a more emotional response and connection from us, the players. I think Oblivion has this detail because it was designed primarily for the PC platform first, and any others second?


Funny, I never saw that. Now I'll know what to look for. Any other surprises?






Edit- Sorry I see that this has already been commented on.

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