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Eye contract/turning heads


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I still don't get how you are seeing the characters face all the time... If I am limping back to Megaton wounded I will be looking at the back of my character or in 1st person view...


Or am I the only one who doesn't have the reverse camera mod that makes you look at the front of your character?



No, but it helps with the immersion of the game. I just did the Reilly's Rangers-mission, and I came limping back to Megaton, my entire body crippled with ony a leg still "operational", but my character still smiles and doesn't flinch. Sometimes when my character gets shot up pretty good, I think :" God, that's got to hurt", and I pan around my character to check her/him out obly to see a smile inbetween all the blood and gore :p


Also, in Oblivion, when you encounter friendly people, my character/avatar locked eye contact with them (when close enough), and changed expression mirroring the expression I got from the NPC (if that particular NPC didn't like me, she would frawn and so would my character), and when in battle, my character would lower her/his eyebrows and really look angry. This was pretty awesome! It totally helps with the immersion. You might think it is silly and haven't even noticed, but it's the little details that I enjoy so much :)


Ohh, there was something there I shouldn't have read.... please mark your Replies !!!SPOILER!!! :/

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No, but it helps with the immersion of the game. I just did the Reilly's Rangers-mission, and I came limping back to Megaton, my entire body crippled with ony a leg still "operational", but my character still smiles and doesn't flinch. Sometimes when my character gets shot up pretty good, I think :" God, that's got to hurt", and I pan around my character to check her/him out obly to see a smile inbetween all the blood and gore :p


My characters never smile. Except maybe in VATS when they kill things. Everytime I bother to check out her face she is wearing a dopey, vacant expression. Once in awhile she gets a grimace stuck on her face if I give her a haircut. I always play in first person so I don't really mind too much and I always played in first person in Oblivion as well. It's too bad you are missing those elements so much. For me, that fact that my character gets to speak entire sentences (even if they can be incredibly lame) makes FO3 so much better than Oblivion for me. It would be great to have both facial expressions and reasonable dialogue.

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Well, I just got back from field testing a modification in Oblivion. It was so refreshing to see my character look at and watch her companion as she moved around the cell. I had forgotten about how she used to smile when she observed someone that she liked, glare at someone she didn't like or how 'pissed' she looked just after leaving a dungeon encounter. As much as I am enjoying Fallout I still find the characters so cardboard compared to Oblivion's. I do hope that someone picks up on this idea as it would make it much easier to bond with my Fallout people much in the way I came to empathize with my Oblivion characters.




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Well, I may be the only one that thinks this, but honestly I think facial expressions on the player character would really be wasted on a game like this. Unless you just really like to rotate you camera around all the time and walking backwards you arn't really going to see the face...


When I first played Fallout I thought it was a huge waste how in depth they did the face customization, when I spend the whole game looking at the back of my character.



Now, as someone who does animation I deffinatly agree that it is the subtlety of certain movements that can really make things seem more alive, and in another game I think it would be great. But the fact that both Oblivion and Fallout have cameras that lock to the back of your character no one would be seeing the hard work put into making all those expressions.


Maybe in a game like Mass Effect, where you constantly see your characters face in conversations, and when you walk around with you gun holstered you can fully see your characters face when he or she turns around, but if the only time you are going to see it is when you stop what you are doing an pan the camera around, then it doesn't make much sence to me.

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