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Head Tracking.


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Does anyone know how to enable this on the player character? both Morrowind and Oblivion have it as do the NPCs in Fallout 3 but for some reason the PC doesn't and just stares ahead uninterested in other characters. I've been playing around things but have had no luck. Using the showheadtracktarget command shows that NPCs seem to be set to look at no one while the player is set to look at his/herself. I used to look command with the reference for the NPC next to me and changed the players target from themself to the NPC, sadly the player still looked right ahead. Using stoplook on the player left the player looking at nobody according to showheadtracktarget, the same value NPCs have, sadly the player still didn't look at anyone.There are some "track" things in the GECK but they all appear to refer to the AI. The only thing I can find in the INI is bDisableHeadTracking=0, maybe someone who knows what they're doing might have more luck.
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It's where the Player Character head tracks nearby NPCs, this happened in both Morrowind and Oblivion but for some reason it doesn't happen in Fallout3 despite the NPCs still doing it. In Fallout 3 the Player Character ignores those around them and just stares forward. An example from Morrowind....



It connects the character more to the game world.


It was bought up here http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=196633

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Oh. So it's a third-person thing? I didn't think anyone even bothered with third-person aside from screenies.


.....Hence I wouldn't know where to begin working on this. Good luck, though.


It's quite good to have the character not looking dead ahead in screenshots so it would be handy for that too, when taking Morrowind and Oblivion screenshots I position the character near an NPC for that very reason.

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Hey, what gives? My Morrowind never looked that good!! Maybe it's time to dig it out from the short leg of the sofa and give it another try.


This screen is from oblivion, not morrowind...


For headtracking: check out the fallout.ini and compare the head-tracking related entries with those from oblivion.

Maybe, if you use same values inside the ini as they where used in oblivion, it will work, not sure thou.

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Hey, what gives? My Morrowind never looked that good!! Maybe it's time to dig it out from the short leg of the sofa and give it another try.


This screen is from oblivion, not morrowind...


For headtracking: check out the fallout.ini and compare the head-tracking related entries with those from oblivion.

Maybe, if you use same values inside the ini as they where used in oblivion, it will work, not sure thou.


The only entry in Fallouts ini disables it completely but I'll have a look at Oblivions ini and see what's there and maybe try adding any entries I find to Fallout. The screenshot is from Morrowind, it was taken in Caldera.


Edit: I've had a look though the Oblivion one and the only reference I can find is bDisableHeadTracking=0, the same line is in Fallouts.

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Oh. So it's a third-person thing? I didn't think anyone even bothered with third-person aside from screenies.


.....Hence I wouldn't know where to begin working on this. Good luck, though.


Except for combat I use third person a lot to just view what my character is up to. Not so much in Fallout because they tend to ignore everyone around them and refuse to interact. I want my characters to acknowledge that they are not the only ones in the universe. To me it's a necessity.




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