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Width of Imageshare posts?


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We've changed it to keep the aspect ratio but reduce the size to fit the actual size of the content block in the description. I much prefer it this way and it will be staying as such until such time as the page is redesigned so that the content area uses the full width of the site.

I figured as much. I do wish the max image width had been set at 975 or so, so we could still use the full width below the sidebar, but I can live with 600 until the redesign. (In the meantime, I might look for, or figure out how to make, a Greasemonkey script that'll do this browser-side.)


On the plus side, I like being able to use the new editor to preview my page. No need to set it hidden while I look for typos and formatting errors, now. :D


Thanks for the update and for everyone's hard work in keeping the site going!

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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first off I'm very thankful for all the work that is going into the Nexus Sites in General, and the possibility to upload Images and even embed them into the Description.


The new Editor Function in the Image Posting Section is a great and a very useful addition aswell and the Idea of "aligned" Images with the Content Box is great,

but I personally would have prefered it very much if it would be a optional Feature for the time beeing or not implemented until the Site's layout had been reworked to use the "full space available" (if that is indeed planed that is great!).


Because at least I would very much prefer to keep my Images on the Nexus Sites and not use the clickable Images to link to another Image Hosting Site, because I personally find it more enjoyable to read or look at a Story-based Image post in one go with the Images in there, without the Need to visit another Site to see them in a somewhat "larger" scale :)


Take Care, and thanks again for all the hours of work that have been used to build the Nexus Sites and are still used to improve and maintain it, great work! :)



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While I appreciate that they are trying to improve things (and certainly some of the new features are nice) I am also very dissapointed in the reduced size. I use 800 width just fine - fits perfectly - and when using images to tell a story the 600 is just to small to really show what you need ... 800 is at least a tad better. I do hope they change this soon.


I also wish there had been some news on this. It sometimes feels like Nexus has gotten so big that perhaps they sometimes don't always think about what some changes might mean to some people in their community. While this will probably be a non-issue to the majority of people, and hence will not hurt their user-base, I am still dissapointed in the lack of communication and the apparent lack of understanding on how this change might be received by some in the community - especially by those who do a lot of posting in the image share area. Without this aspect of the community I would have quit Skyrim last year - even with mods and enbs - as it is the story telling and sharing of content with other members that I enjoy. I stay, in a large part, because of people I have met here.


My point is that I sometimes feel that Nexus doesn't always show that they appreciate their community (for example something like this without a major communication on it). It is their site, of course, and they can do what they want. But keeping the community in mind when making changes is always a good thing IMO. Of course some people seem to like the change although from the comments so far I think an increase in size would not be an issue with anyone either.


Also want to add that this size change is not just for people who do stories - it is also for every showcase out there. It makes it that much harder to have a great showcase with the smaller images. Yes you can link to the full shot but time is also a valuable commodity. Having bigger shots makes it people to see the images yet not have to take a lot of extra time to hunt down the full size ones unless it is something exceptional they wish to see.


The image share is flooded as it is - to the point it is fairly impossible to keep up. To keep the community engaged in it they need to see it as being manageable. Everyone posting 5 separate images a day just floods it even more. Showcases let you really highlight a mod (which I thought was the point of Nexus), an ENB, or just the beauty of the game (any game, not just Skyrim). A showcase, or story, engages the community; it brings people together and creates social ties and bonds; it promotes mod authors and ENB creators work to others; and it is a fun and enjoyable aspect of the Nexus site as a whole.


Why nexus managers thought it would be a good idea to make a move like this somewhat baffles me. I do hope they reconsider as Nexus is one of my favorite spots online and one reason I have always supported it both with membership dues as well as promoting it to my friends and people online.


EDIT: Edited a couple of times to fix typo's, add a couple of other thoughts I had about the subject, and keep the post more even-keeled now that I have had some time to think about it.

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I totally agree with the sentiments expressed by wolfgrimdark, aok and others.

I love nexus and in the Image-share community I've come to consider many members as friends.

As a sometime Storyteller, this size change is a pain, although possibly necessary. It would have been nice if we could have been informed though.



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I got a fright on Tuesday, having taken a break from posting for a few days. When all my embedded images came up so tiny I couldn't read the writing on 'em, I thought I'd made a boob somewhere, having already resized them to 920 width, which used to fit the page fantastically, as long as you allowed 8 spaces to get under the bit on the right.


No point in bothering to embed anymore, as the images are practically useless. Guess it's back to 'spamming' up a load of individual images, sigh.

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This is a punishment nobody deserved. Especially for those who did some nice sets about a mod, a special quest or a special place in skyrim and of course for all the storytellers with the lot of work they have put in their storys and images.

Most of these sets are ruined now. That's all because of a small cosmetic correction ?

Edited by Swamianand
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Aye, I think what bothers me the most is that there is no solid reason for it. I could understand if it was a serious issue for managing the site - like bandwidth or crashes or something. But it seems to be a purely cosmetic issue. Why not just leave it as is until the site is redesigned? Then the image share posters, even if a minority, will be happy and when the site is redone the cosmetic issue will be fixed. Seems like a win-win to me. I was going to do a showcase for a new ENB someone released and admit my motivation was lacking. No one will be able to see any of the detail in the images anyhow.


Ah well it is clear we are a minority which cares. Short of not renewing my membership, and showing my unhappiness in a few posts in these threads, there really isn't anything that can be done about it. Shame to as some of the changes are nice - the rescaling and editor are good features. But 600 pixels ... it is just such a small size for displaying something and with so many images users just don't have the time to go look at them on an external site.

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