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The "I remember when..." thread


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Post up some of the things that you remember from long ago, that have changed. For instance something like "I remember when having a 8 track player in your car was something you paid extra for".


Replying to something somebody else has posted is good, but please try to keep only one topic per post in your responses. What I mean is, say that you respond to three other subjects, but please only add ONE of your own, at a time.


I remember when the first 32 meg vid card came out. Man, we were ROCKIN on DOOM and DukeNukem after that!

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I remember me the day I was born... Ermm, wait... Today I can't remember that thing, looks like having some Alzheimer disturbances. :blink:
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I remember the time when I was in year six at school and all the kids were forced to gymnastics. We all had to jump over the vaulting horse and all the boys failed badly (they kept on slamming into the vaulting horse). I laughed so hard that day that it killed me. I got a ten out of ten that day, which was strange because I am clumsy when it comes to sports.
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Well after spending a lifetime working on telephones and other forms of communications. I remember when I was young when you made a call, the operator came on and said in a lovely voice "Number Please" to which I replied, Helen I am calling Grandma and she always put me through to her.


Yes I am that old, but I remember when they put in rotary phones and dialing direct to who you wanted to talk to.



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Well, I can't say that I'm quite that old. I did however, spend a portion of my childhood with rotary phones. AND having to pick up the phone, check to see if there was anybody else on the PARTY LINE, and if so either hang up, or get into trouble with my aunt for eavesdropping in on the neighbor's conversations.


Cool story tho, thanks for sharing that. That's pretty much the gyst of what I was thinking about, when I started this, to remember the "good ol' days" and to show just how much things have changed.


I remember back when Windows came out on 5 floppy disks! I was 16, hadn't had my license for very long, and a friend of a friend's father was installing it on his PC at home. Yes, this was like.... 22 years ago. Not many peeps had computers at home.

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Yes I am that old...



Time is running so fast :confused: but what a nice time dear Buddah...


I remember the first time I played Flight Simulator on an Amstrad CPC 460 with a monochrome monitor and a magnetic tape deck... I had to wait a long before playing the game.



I'll keep the best on next post, it wasn't my first game... let me try remember it. :sweat:

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I remember when I lived in an area with out TV of any kind (top end of the Northern Territory, Australia) and we listened to the radio for adventure, soap operas, comedy etc. One had to use one's imagination. I used to listed to 'Chicken Man', an odd little series with the hero, 'Chicken Man', going something like 'cluck cluck its Chicken Man'. I listened to Tarzan stories.


I remember, as a young teenager, first getting television. Everybody was very excited by the first test pattern. The first briefs tests were well advertised and attended. Students were allowed to go home early from school early to attend the first TV broadcast which was by the government ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission which became later the Australian Broadcasting Corporation). I remember rushing home with lots of other students and the opening moments, a kind of presentation, but I can not remember what was the first actual show.

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