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Point lookout crashes


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Hi there,

I seem to have a great problem with Point Lookout. When i try to travel there activating the passenger cot the game crashes.My mods and load order are as follows:

Achivement remover


The Pitt

Broken Steel

Point Lookout

Mothership Zeta

FNNCQ esm (Slavery Overhaul)

Abreviated Effects

Bz armor nude

bz armor

Iron body mutation

bz jocks

killable kids

usable cigarettes

azar gypsy outfits

sunglasses collection

camon ss outfits

enclave commander(the nazi version from evil enclave mod)


hellfire armor

FNNCQ mesmetron

My Mansion

Tailor Maid Anchorage

Tailor Maid Broken Steel

Tailor Maid Pitt

Tailor Maid black retex

Tailor Maid ZETA

Tailor Maid

Followers hire (multiple followers regardless of karma)

Followers wait Tenpenny (all followers but the robot go to Tenpenny Tower when dismissed)


I dont know what the Hell can I do to fix the crash. I didn't even find a code to teleport right where the ship accosts, and even if I would find one I dont know whether or not it will work. I also had a problem with crashes when saving but a guy said if you kill yourself with some explosives then reload the game it will stop crashing when saving. I did this and the game doesn't crash anymore when I save but the problem of crashing when teleporting to Point Lookout can not be saved this way. I also must say that one time I was able to travel to point lookout, but didn't save, and now every time I want to go there the game crashes. I even tried disabling all mods except the dlc but when I do that the game crashes when I load, and I'm not starting a new game, I'm just sick of all the quests I repeated over and over when starting new games. So if you can help me I'd appreciate it.

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Probably nobody replied because nobody knew what the solution was. Replying saying, "I don't know" would be pointless. If your solution could be generally applicable (and not a simple mistake made by yourself), why don't you tell us what it was so that someone with a similar issue could do a forum search and maybe find the answer right here ;)
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I don't know! :teehee:


But on my best attempt: if the game still gives the error after deselecting all mods you're running, then I would assume the save to be corrupted where PL is concerned. And in that scenario, I really don't know what the best course of action would be :$

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  • 4 years later...



Believe it or not it, all you have to do is "set timescale to 30" in your console before you use the cot.


I did some digging in the GECK and narrowed it down to 1 variable in a script that's located on an activator right where you spawn in on the boat. The script command "set gamehour to 9" is what's screwing things up. It isn't exactly the main problem either: When Timescale is not at the default value of 30 it has been reported to cause problems and gamehour is a relating time variable which can pick at it. So, when I set the timescale to 30, it instantly fixed my problem. I suggest you all to try it out.

Edited by edison12345
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