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Black Screen


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Sooo I started NVSE as usual to play some Fallout.. when suddenly... it won't work. It's just a black screen. I can hear the sounds and I can even click stuff but I can't see anything! :I


Any solutions?



Edit: When I start NVSE on the Desktop normally (instead of FOMM) the game seems to work but all the people (my character included) are replaced by some red.. thing with something white inside.. looks like a white ! with red background to me.

Edited by Andran
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Something is installed incorrectly, that red thing with the ! in the middle is a missing mesh, have you done your archiveinvalidation? if not FOMM or NMM can do it, if you have then have steam verify your installation. You may also want to move Steam out of your program files if it's in there, UAC can cause real headaches with modding. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7418-YUBN-8129

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