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Does anyone remember Dungeon Lords?


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It was buggy, unfinished and an all-around embarrassment to it's developers. I picked it up for about $5.99 at my local Wall-mart (probably around 2006 or so) and had more fun with that game than i could ever imagine. I liked it so much that I actually upgraded to the "collectors edition" (Another 5 bucks) which still wasn't completely finished!

You could restart a fully developed character in that game. I can honestly say that it was the best "bang for the buck" game i ever purchased. lol

Edited by edgeburner
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Sounds worth the money! I sometimes pick up old games like that, and I swear to god.. I have 100x more fun with them than I do with the modern AAA games. Or any modern game for that matter!! Your post reminds me of when I spent like a whole year creating and using mods for Operation Flashpoint. That game was a true original and it paved the way for many others. They later had to rename it to ARMA, due to copyright issues apparently! To this day, there isn't a non-mmo game I have spent more time on than OFP.


I shall google this "Dundeon Lords" you speak of! Looks fun from the screenshots though, wonder if there is a modding community for it?

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Game Banshee still has a walk-through up

But sadly, they seem to have taken the forum down. I am no aware of a modding community, or if the actually mod-able...there is, however, a character editor available. Just be careful where you download from.. if you decide to dive in.

I got the Collectors Edition on Amazon. If I remember correctly, it was about $5.00 American. just about the same a the shipping cost, lol

It's a shame that the 'big box' stores are moving away from selling PC games (at least in my area, mid Atlantic region of the USA). You could get find some real gems in those "bargain bins".

Edited by edgeburner
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I checked for it on gog.com but no luck! I will have a look around the bay and amazon though.


Yeah its the same here too.. go into a games shop and its parallel shelves with console games and a little section at the back for PC games. But more and more people are seeing sense and switching to PC. I think if it wasn't for SONY and MS buying exclusivity to games like GTA 5 then a lot more people would have made the switch this time around.


However, PC gaming is still more popular now than it has been since the 90s!


$5 for collectors edition as well! I tend to find the old gems in charity shops more than game shops to be honest! Every so often, I will go in and there will be a box full of PC games and if I am lucky I'll see something awesome. Last time I got Baldurs Gate 2 collectors edition for £1 lol. 2nd hand but who cares! I do miss the old days where games came in proper boxes with all the manuals, maps etc. I still have a ton of those boxes in the attic collecting dust!


Amazon is nice for stuff like that too.. but a lot of sellers abuse it and want to charge a fortune just because a game is rare. I remember trying to find Freelancer on there and someone wanted £50 for a budget copy. Same with monkey island.. try find the originals for cheap :S

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your charity shop exploration has given me an idea.....Over here, we have what are known as "garage sales"... Basically, this consist of people setting up tables in their driveways, front yards (or whatever) and selling their excess wares, or 'junk', if you prefer, lol. "one mans junk is anther mans treasure" These sales usually occur in the spring and the fall seasons in my area.

May have to go crusin' this fall. :)



"I do miss the old days where games came in proper boxes with all the manuals, maps etc. I still have a ton of those boxes in the attic collecting dust!"

Amen to that! I have game manuals ect, dating back to the late 1980's that I have recovered

after digging out my old Commodore 64, lol. The progression from then till now is absolutely amazing.


I buy most of my games on Amazon also, my DSL connection is not conducive to large game downloads. A lot of good deals there, but they can fluctuate daily.

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  • 3 years later...

Amen to that! I have game manuals ect, dating back to the late 1980's that I have recovered

after digging out my old Commodore 64, lol. The progression from then till now is absolutely amazing.

Yay, for Commodore 64! The first general purpose computer I'd ever gotten my hands on, and had some the best ever games made for it. Even the cross-platform games tended to have their best version there for many years. I remember still having some of the original manuals, and quite a few copies, around the house even in my teens, but it's all gone now. I remember having fun just reading some of the manual . . . especially the backstory for Impossible Mission. Too bad they learned far too late the benefits of backward compatibility.

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