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Notepad++ Compiler Help


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TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg is a file on your computer. You need to replace what's between the quotes after -f= with the path to the file. For example mine looks like this:



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TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg is a file on your computer. You need to replace what's between the quotes after -f= with the path to the file. For example mine looks like this:




OK. I'll try this. Thank you very much.

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OK. Originally, lofgren's solution didn't fix it entirely, but when I redid my Notepad++ compiler shortcut, it fixed it.


Thank you to all of you who helped.


Edit: And yet... It may not have worked. I checked using the compiler, and it compiles no matter what. It compiled a script that would have compiled in the CK, but it also compiled this script:

Scriptname MyTestScript Extends ObjectReference

Event onEquipped(Actor akActor)

     If akActor == Game.GetPlayer



Which obviously would have been a fault script. Is the compiler supposed to spit out errors, or just compile no matter what?


Edit 2: And now the compiler fails no matter what. I think I'll just use the Creation Kit's built-in compiler. Thank you all for your help though.

Edited by Matthiaswagg
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There is no built-in compiler. The creation kit uses the exact same program.


Maybe so, but for me that one actually works and this one hasn't, despite my/your/other helpful people's efforts.


Anyway, the point is that the Creation Kit's requires no more setup than installing the Creation Kit, and creating a shortcut via Notepad++ takes more time/effort than the other. So even though they may be the same program, I can't seem to get the shortcut to work. I

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