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Love of Dragons


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I found this on the Internet as I normally do with the dragon pictures that I post in this topic.

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*looks at the picture......lets out a hevy sigh....* i think im in love

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The freewayway traffic was at a standstill when the teenibopper dragon landed and with typical angst decided he would not move despite the threats of police constables in power armour and the diplomatic efforts of a woman from the local office of Human Dragon Affairs. The media blew it out of proportion, of course, but more so for it was a poor week for sensational news stories. Electric cars were backed up to the main lead-ons to the freeway, at least three lanes were going one direction beside the mighty flowing Swan River. Electric monotrains hummed past with out difficulty and since the other side of the freeway was under less pressure, many cars were sent along that way along an inner laneway.


Uriel Richmond was a man with brilliance and insight who had an amazing understanding of dragons and other dragonfolk for a mere human. He knew the stupidly ignorant Antidragon Lobby would try to make lots of political mileage out of this event. So he had a small electric copter, a so called buzzcopter, drop him off close to the dragon itself. He strolled up to the big, dull silvery metallic entity with a casualness that was not truly false. Then the odd fat little man was smiling up at the young semiadult dragon.


He spoke in fluid common dragon tongue with surprising high ability for a mere human. "Hello, good dragon."


The dragon slowly turned his large sleekly dinosaur head and his eyes focused on this silly human who dared to interfere with his sulking. "If mum sent you than you can just go away. It's not fair. She always gives my sisters more attention than she does me."


"No, your mum send me. Dragon mums don't send me but they might ask me to do things." The little fat man winked. "I am not really human, you know."


The dragon snorted soft jets of steam out of his nostrils. "You look human, you smell... oh." The dragon looked surprised for a dragon and it took a good deal to surprise even a young dragon. "Oh, you are one of them... them... one of them. I forget what they call you."


The fat little man smiled. "The Nameless Ones!"


"Oh, yes, they call you the Nameless Ones." The dragon seemed satisfied that he had remembered this with only some mild prompting, like being given the answer. He stirred and sat up. "I don't like this place much. Too noisy, too smelly and there are too many humans. Do you want to ride on my back? That is a rarity, you know, a privilege. If we go together and see mum, well then you can explain just how wicked she has been."


The fat little man turned and signalled the woman the watching police officers and the woman from the Department of Human Dragon Affairs. They both looked visibly relieved. The dragon shifted and with surprisingly strength, agility and speed the fat little man slipped up onto the back. The dragon moved wings a little and activated its antigravity influences, drifting upwards with increasing speed and with good gracefulness but not the great gracefulness of older dragons.


The dragon spoke. "I sense something disturbing."


The man on his back responded. "I do not always come to speak with dragons but some stupid humans are planning to hurt you, to shoot a missile at you."


The dragon was shocked and angry. "Fool humans. Even if they hurt me bad or killed me, which is unlikely, then the Dragon Imperium would strike greatly at the humans of this world. I would not wish such a horror even on mere humans. The Dragon Empress herself signed the agreement and the Dragon Emperor gave an oath to back it up with strength of arms."


The stealth military helicopter came shooting over the cityscape, a hitech killing machine that was a prototype beyond anything that even the UN Defence Forces had. It skimmed over the river, just above the waves, and inside the pilot-gunner and navigator-gunner were cyberlinked to the advanced computers in the helicopter.


The dragon began to automatically prepare to attack the intruder but the Nameless One patted his armoured skin and he ceased. "The helicopter is not the threat. The helicopter is a human response to the threat."


From the helicopter flew two missiles from each winglet and they shot straight through the air seemingingly towards nowhere much but then they turned and darted towards a large luxury yaught, the property of a local multimillionaire. Even as the missiles struck the vessel, part of it was opening up to expose fake cabin strcture and a missile launcher. The yaught blew up in two great explosions, the parts of it flying upwards in flaming, smoky glory.


As this happened the dragon lifted higher and then he turned to fly off back home, in moments vanishing with a sparkling shimmer.



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