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Cloak using Crows


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Hi i was wondering if it would be possible to make a cloak spell using the crow assets seen in the thieves guild quest when the player meets nocturnal
I'm not sure if its possible but i figure if there are any talented modders willing to have a go it would make for a great spell

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I may be able to do this for you.


Do you want a spell that JUST makes crows fly out of you like in the video?


Or, do you want the spell to also do something else like make you invisible?


EDIT: Yeah sorry I can't get this to work. I don't think it's possible to make the crow effect (from when Nocturnal comes out) into a magic effect, therefore it can't be made into a spell. All that happened when I tried this was a crow appeared on my hand haha.


That being said, I'm not a very experienced modder (only been making mods for a few days) so maybe someone else who's more experienced can make this for you but from what I can tell, it's not possible with just the Creation Kit.


Hopefully someone can help you out because having that effect on a spell or item would be awesome. Good Luck

Edited by NutellaPhreak
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