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obse problem


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If you are asking for the contents of the entire Oblivion folder, that includes the copyrighted Oblivion files that are not allowed to be shared. if all you want is, as your title implies, is the OBSE files They are readily available Here: http://obse.silverlock.org/


The instructions for installing are in a readme included in the zipped file


Please note that the install location will be different if you use Steam.


If what you want is a list of the files in the folder, they will be different depending on what else you have installed. However the OBSE files that should be there are:







There may be some log files also, but they are created as needed and do not need to be copied into the folder.


Note: The current OBSE version v0018 works with the Oblivion patched version 1.2.0146. If you do not have the patch, either get it or download an earlier version that will work with your game version.

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