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Need a weapon for a character build


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I'm working on building an "ultimate assassin" character, and so far I'm having trouble finding the right weapon. Right now I'm using cnyylzy123456789's "Bishu Osafune ju-Morikage" katana, and while it's a beautiful blade, I've found it a bit...large...for her. I've searched around for various smaller weapons, but I can't really find anything that suits her. I'd like a Japanese-style dagger or knife, if possible. I have Requiem installed, and while it adds tantos, it only adds them in iron and steel, which are a bit weak for a higher-level character, even when tempered, and visually, they're a little lack-lustre. Closest thing I've been able to find on the Nexus so far is the Darker Than Black dagger, which while visually attractive, doesn't quite fit what I'm looking for. If anyone can help point me to something I'd really appreciate the help!


TL;DR - need short stabby weapon for ninja girl.

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The only thing that comes to my mind right now is this:

Specialized Weapon Collection


The parrying daggers work great, the shotels look neat and the rapiers are okay too.

I know a shotel is no stab weapon and a rapier is to huge for a ninja, but you might like it anyways.

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Have you tried Insanity's Celtic Katanas?



They add tantos with the steel smithing perk, but deal more damage than steel weapons. They have an incredibly awesome grip, in multiple colours, too.

Not sure how they'd fit in with Requiem, I only have SkyRe knowledge, but those are always a must have for me. Dunno if they're too weak for your assassin, though (I always used them as a dagger if my main sword was disarmed)

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