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Are people more easily controlled in groups than as individuals and why? Where does group think come into this?

Does individual reasoning grow or diminish when individuals gather together and form groups and are these groups more intuitive or just menacing?

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An individual will be in one of two states: logical or emotional. It's when a group becomes emotive that mob mentality kicks in - as complexity starts to go, the mob will adopt a "with us or against us" mentality. Without a gray area it becomes difficult to maintain a unique and individual view without alienating the mob. As the mob grows in size, it becomes easier to simply adjust your views so as not to alienate the mob. We are always influenced by those around us, not in a sinister way but simply through group dynamics. That said, groups can also be functional or even inspire individuality.

So to answer your questions: Yes, black or white views, diminish, any trait can be amplified by a group.

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Take a look at the folks right here at home. "Group Think" is rampant. Sure, individually, we have some really bright americans..... Taken collectively however, we got nuthin' on a box o' rocks. For a Fine example, lets have a look at congress. They currently have 13% approval rating. Less than 30% of those polled, think they are doing a 'good job', and taking america in 'the right direction'. These numbers are actually an IMPROVEMENT over some in the past. Yet, do americans as a whole do anything about it? Nope. We continue to re-elect the same do-nothings to the same office, even when we KNOW FOR A FACT that they do NOT have the best interests of most americans at heart. They are only interested in making their campaign donors happy.


Now, I will grant you, that simply putting someone else into office probably wouldn't make much difference. Even the most altruistic 'new' politician succumbs to the lure of big money donors, with the goal of re-election right there as a nice, juicy carrot to hold in front of them.


And look at the the way our government is attempting to divide the population. By social class, race, and religion. Not to mention by political party..... which is the biggest division of all, and pretty much guarantees that nothing will change.


Nah. Groups are so much easier to manipulate. Individuals can speak, but, they are the lone fish trying to swim upstream against the current. They quickly fade away, and are forgotten. The group has MOMENTUM. Something an individual can have only a very minor effect.

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