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This is a very strange request.


i think there should be a new storage system that uses space rather then weight.


this is because it seems strange how we can carry 500000 gold coins round with us as well as 5 great swords and a crossbow with an addition of loads of ore and gems.


also then we could have more purpose for satchel mods that they give you more space. and also we could have a coin purse which can hold a maximum of 5000 gold. we will find an alternative for buying houses and other things (i.e money tokens) (that sounds stupid, yet just an idea)


please give me your thoughts or if felling ambitious try make it your self i am willing to help and i bet we could find someother people to help us. (i am not great with scripts yet can due basic ones, i feel i am quite good at world placement and theoretical modding, i will explain later maybe.)


thank to anyone reading this (its a strange mod idea, i dout anybody will reply as my mod idea history will show :) )

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i've never played Dayz. but yes the idea. i think it should be simple. just time consuming all we need to do is change the name of weight to space and then change the value of all objects as well as add the benefits of the others.

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Or carrying weight could be dropped down dramatically, so you couldn't carry more than couple of big weapons with you? But of course simple idea like that wouldn't work.


Think of carrying weight of 50.

It'd be enough to carry two/three "heavy" weapons, suit of armor, or tons of small goodies.


You'd actually need to decide what to do with all the stuff, and you couldn't carry much of stuff with you.

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@Shadowjin it would force you to use followers and horses to carry your stuff. "I am sworn to carry your burdens" Which is something I already do with regular weight so I would need like five or six followers. Sounds so inconvenient :3


Then I gotta ask you, what's the purpose of this thread?


I thought it was about making player unable to carry "500000 gold coins round with us as well as 5 great swords and a crossbow with an addition of loads of ore and gems."


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I use a mod that drops carry weight down to about 100 for a starting character and scales to about 300. The effect is not dissimiliar from a capacity based system. Certainly you would never carry two heavy cuirasses around with you and lugging a magical two handed weapon out of a dungeon usually means leaving something behind.
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