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Ring of Water Breathing


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I can't swim a stroke myself. It's not something that we lepusoids take well to. But I love to watch my characters swim for me. In Oblivion there wasn't a swimming hole anywhere in Cyrodil that my girls didn'y know about. But they had the benefit of enchantments to keep them well while in the water. As everyone knows all Wasteland water is inhospitable to our life, but I have a couple of house modifications that include some very fine swimming pools. As I like to run children in my games the only way that they can get a breath of air is to stand in the shallows or exit the pool entirely. Would it be possible to create a diving mask and snorkal or something similar for my skinny dipping youngsters to wear? Even a lore breaking Enchanted ring or necklace to keep them safe would be appreciated. And if anyone really wanted to build them Scuba tanks would be fun. Any ideas?




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Two very outstanding ideas!! I've downloaded the Commonwealth of Modders file and I'll see about converting the snorkel to a CUTE size. Maybe I'll find a set of swim fins in there, as well. The invisible diving helmet sounds good, too. I'll try to track down that one. I'll try to post some pictures of it, but you've probably already seen invisible diving helmets before.


Thank you both very much for the tips and suggestions. Maybe I can now keep her in the water long enough to get her wrinkled.




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