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Supposing the truthfulness of reincarnation...


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Since I was a child ocean and deep sea always have fascinated me... it's a marvelous world full of wonder and mystery.


A recent discussion with one of my Nexus friends made me wonder about something : if reincarnation could be a possible thing and if I was abble to decide and make a choice in which kind of animal I'll be reincarnated in my new life... What could it be? The response came spontaneously and deeply in my mind without any doubt or any hesitation.


I would love to be a Dolphin.


I'm attracted by those creatures having freedom, beauty, smartness, mischief and sympathy connotations... Dolphins are sociable and playful and I simply love the way they live.


Really, it's a fascinating animal for me. :happy:




Now it's your turn to tell and/or explain your choices - animal or vegetable kingdom, etc... fantasy is allowed too, it's up to you, pictures and videos are welcome.


But please keep in mind that the topic is not about the truthfulness of reincarnation, it's not the subject here and religious debates are not allowed in Nexus forums.

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Well I would love to be a bird. I've always wanted to fly on my own, seeing the sights, breathing the air, its just pure freedom. Oh, and I'm glad our conversation lead up to this point, I've never been used as inspiration before, and I gotta say, I like it!
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I think that if I had to make a choice I'd pick an Otter, they simply have a joy of living that is beyond compare.

No doubt on that statement :laugh: and thanks again for your kindness.





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When I was very young we had a pair of Otters living under the wharf in front of our lake cabin in the deep northern Quebec wilderness, I wanted to take them home to New York City and put them in my bathtub....please Mum can I ?, pretty please. NO...oh well. :confused:
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If you made it TRANSMIGRATION OF THE SOUL which is a theory allowing for many worlds and going back and forth between times etc.


then I want to be a DRAGON! That is a winged European type dragon flying high and powerful, long lived and majest along with very intelligent. No need for the gold.



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