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Favourite what?


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none unless you count the south island(New Zealand) as a foreign country(note im a New Zealander aka a kiwi)


favorate beard type of fallout 3(yes i will go through the ludercristly long list)

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In the game itself I've used the Rough Beard, the Backwater OR Bar Brawler, and I think the Hombre (that's what you see in the screenshot of Fallout 3 in my sig). One of those four would be my favorite, though I also like the Muttonstache and the Chairman Cheng.


Favorite historical document? (just typed the first thing that popped up in my mind)

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Well since I'm American, its very obvious, the declaration of independence. But thats a small part of why I love it. The document itself was a brilliant masterpiece, written by brilliant men, who forged the worlds first democracy other than Athens, Greece. Because of this, the worlds greatest superpower was born, not to imply that we're superior over all countries, not at all, we're all equal. Believe me, I could go on and on about American histroy, its one of my favorite things to learn about in histroy, but I'd rather not blab any further.


What's your favorite type of chips? (Ranch, nacho cheese, ect.)

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