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Help with nifskope meshes


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Im a bit new to modding. I was trying to make an armor where i added some peices from other armors into it. When i load into the game the armor shows up but there are a number of problems. First i had pieces i wanted to protrude from the breast, Instead it went back to the position it initially was before i edited it. Second after running with the armor for a while my charecters legs would wobble around weightlessly. then it would crash every so often. I then looked up some turtorials and it said to stripify whatever files and optimise them. so i do that and instead of fixing anything it just crashes my game everytime i equip it.
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First i had pieces i wanted to protrude from the breast, Instead it went back to the position it initially was before i edited it.

well when the mesh is rigged, playing around with the translation via nifskope doesnt sit very well. If you collaspe the transforms you'll likely break the mesh in some way. ie don't do it like that. you will want to edit rigged meshes in a 3d app at the sub object level, or remove the rigging, move it, then paste the weights back on.


as for the legs going stupid. I have seen this reported several times. This aparently happens pasting rigged meshes around between nifs. I only really work with my own/custom assets, or I have to bring the asset into a 3d app anyway, so I am always exporting complete nifs myself, and have never run into it. and I have never seen anyone post a solution, and I don't have a one besides- bring it into a 3d app and export a clean nif, or do not paste entire branchs between nifs, instead only replace trishapedata blocks and paste weights over separately. :shrug:

Im pretty sure people have working workflows for pasting around rigged meshes.


Edit: oh and don't stripifiy rigged meshes. It can cause problems if you try to do it post export, and may actually be less optimal. there isn't a single developer using gamebryo that stripify their rigged meshes. to me that is saying something, what exactly I dunno.

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Thanks for the replay. Anyways, i just figured out the legs issue. apparently on one or more of the items i copied, i didnt check the txt value and it changed during the copy, by simply changing it back to the appropriate value it fixed the problem. If only someone could have told me this before the hours of misery i went through of trying to find a solution in good for nothing tutorials. they never fix any problems
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lol, yeah beacuse of the index thing in fallout nifs, the node names are indexed, and don't transfer, it asigns one that is already in the nif you are pasting it into, so it's as simple as a renaming a shape.. lol.


so let me guess, it was Bip01 Pelvis or another bone name. Yeah I can imagine an animation grabbing that node and running some transform on it.. :teehee:

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