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need your guys help on merging my mods about 1500


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would anybody of you guys help me out with merging these mods succesfully as i said per dependencies on other esps and master files .please im a noob i just hardly can mange wrye ,never touched cs and obmm is only good for installing omods so thats not a solution anyways please please pretty please common i know you guys have the skillz as i can clearly filter from the words you use.so as i said ill be waiting in order to have the ultimate oblivoin experience

The ultimate Oblivion experience is actually playing the game. Installing mods that does not pull each one to a different side. Doing so you can play the game several times and each one will be a totally new and gratifying experience each time with a totally different set of mods.


What you are trying to do says nothing, it should be seen as a bunch of clutter dumped together. Supposing you achieve that goal you'll have only a bloated game. It's not to me or anyone else to dictate what you wish, but even if it were possible to help you as you ask; whoever try it is not actually helping you to have the ultimate Oblivion experience but the ultimate headache.

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well i was just trying to get help on succesfully merging all my mods thats all hmmm

I understand that, but there is more than just that byte physical limitation on number of mods. The engine is not designed to deal with such volumes as a whole. Almost everything in it would be overloaded. An almost infinite causes of malfuncions or crashes would arise. It would be anything but a good experience at all.


PS: Even not taking in account what was already said in this thread. The sheer amount of work involved in merging the mods is astonishing and incredible. It's yet more difficult to analyze all mods involved than actually making them, many conflicts can't be resolved by automated tools and need human brain verification and adapting.

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I don't really understand what you're asking us to help you do, exactly. You say you want to combine your 1500 mods, but that you don't want to use the CS or TES4Gecko. Well, then you're out of luck because there is no other way to do what you want. In order to make Oblivion run with that many mods you will HAVE to use Gecko at the very least and it's likely you'll also have to get into the CS and do some squishing. If you are not willing to do that, then you cannot play the game with 1500 mods. Period. Nobody here can do it for you, which is what I suspect you want somebody to offer. As long as you're polite and appreciative we'll help you absolutely as much as we can, but it's just not possible for someone to wave a magic wand and present you with an email containing all your mods combined.


What we can do is explain to you how to use Gecko, for starters. It isn't difficult. You say that a lot of your mods are dependant on masters and esm's and such; well, with 1500 mods there must surely be a good many that don't depend on squat. Download Gecko. Use it to merge as many of the stand-alone mods as you possibly can. That ought to cut your list down significantly. When you reach the point where Gecko's not working because specific mods have specific requirements or errors you're getting, come back here and explain which exact mods you're trying to combine and what errors occur in Gecko or in your game. THAT we can help you with. "I wanna combine 1500 mods help me!" doesn't give much information, and posting a list of all 1500 would probably scare people away. You need to do as much as you can on your own, and when you start running into problems, tell us what they are and ask for help. "I'm trying to merge Joe's Mod into a file that's got Anne's Mod, Jane's Fabulous Mod, Larry's Dumb Mod and Another Mod, and Gecko spits out this error when I hit Merge..." is way easier to solve than a generic cry for hand-holding.


Go download Gecko. It's VERY easy to use the simple functions of it. Install it, open it up, and you can't possibly miss the big button that says Merge Plugins. Hit the button, put numbers 1 through whatever next to the mods you want to combine. That's all you have to do, seriously. It can get more complicated if you want to pay attention to merge priority or if you're going to use other functions, but it sounds like you have a ton of mods that only add a few items each to the game and you shouldn't have much trouble merging a whole bunch of those. If you do, then post what exact trouble you're having.


Good luck!

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well i was just trying to get help on succesfully merging all my mods thats all hmmm

I understand that, but there is more than just that byte physical limitation on number of mods. The engine is not designed to deal with such volumes as a whole. Almost everything in it would be overloaded. An almost infinite causes of malfuncions or crashes would arise. It would be anything but a good experience at all.


PS: Even not taking in account what was already said in this thread. The sheer amount of work involved in merging the mods is astonishing and incredible. It's yet more difficult to analyze all mods involved than actually making them, many conflicts can't be resolved by automated tools and need human brain verification and adapting.

You forgot the fact that even if 90% of those mods were simple "add a weapon" type mods, it would probably require more than 4gb RAM to play the game, and dramatically increase load times.


At any rate, the point is that trying to play with that many mods installed is unrealistic, especially if you have a few dozen with dependencies. The game wasn't designed that way, and neither were any of the mods. Ultimately, most of the time spent on such an endeavor would go to waste since you can only have so many things equipped, on companions, and in use at any given time before the game itself is rendered unplayable. There's no reason why anyone would need that many mods present. Ever.


Furthermore, nobody can help you do this since most of it would require specific information related to those mods, having those mods downloaded, and several days worth of time spent trying to piece them together. Nobody can do this for you. If you really want to even try this, you should probably start off with a smaller number of mods, like 5 or 6 which are not, in themselves particularly complicated and learn how to merge them. Stick to the simple stuff, maybe learn how to do some light modding yourself, and you might be able to squeeze 300 or so mods together without serious conflicts. More than that however, and you kinda have to know what the heck you're doing and how to solve it.

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i did not say that i dont have tes4gecko its just that im inexperienced with it thats all and how to merge them succesfully ,first i thought maybe i could upload my 100gb data file for you guys to fix them for me cause youve all got more experience than me hmmm keep on replying please i gotta solve this somehow cause these really are awesome mods not just simple armor mods o.k half of them are from japanese modding sites and em japanese got some crazy modding skillz yet i dont understand japanese so i cant ask them for help .so please try to help me figure this one out o.k
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I would recommend just going over to the TOQL and download ONE mod that sounds interesting, play it through for an hour or two and then see if you can add another mod. After you play that mod for a couple of hours, add another. Timeless advice has been given over and over here, start small. You would be surprised how many cosmetic mods can conflict with each other. It will take less time for you to add mods progressively than it will to find which one muddles your mixture.


Second off, if you listened to the advice given above, your computer might not even be able to run it. If you actually read the posts that people have taken their time to write, you will realize that it just isn't feasible. I mean, it would take a team quite a while to accomplish that task. Not to mention that Oblivion only runs on one processor and would require more than 4gb of ram to run all that. Please don't just discard people's advice because you think you can do the impossible. You need to give up the quest, i'm sorry to say.


As a solution, I would suggest you ask for lists of mods that all work together. If you are trying to maximize your Oblivion experience and revitalize it, just jumping into a large amount of mods, you need knowledge. You will need to learn to at least find and deal with problematic conflicts if you wish to run 100, let alone 254 mods at once. If all these mods have been cleaned with tes4edit (something i'm currently struggling to learn myself), you might be able to figure out which mods can be combined with tes4gecko. This could double or maybe, just maybe triple the amount of mods you run. But why be greedy? I run about 100 to 150 mods for each save. Each save game has a different set of mods active. Each character has a different leveling system, different gameplay modifiers, etc.


Armamentarium and Bob's armory will add more levelled loot, making it more fun to kill and collect. It also adds a lot more flavor to the previously bland weapons/armor. If you look up List of Mods you will find posts that people have with working load order lists. Just find the mods on the lists and order them properly, and play. That simple.


Which Japanese sites are you referring to? Could you point us in the right direction?




Also, uploading 100 gb would take a lot of time, and even with accelerators would take a while to download. Upload speeds are restricted more than download speeds in most areas.

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The king once asked a great mathematician to teach him math. The Mathematician started out with something relatively simple like multiplication. The king got really impatient and wanted to quickly learn everything and be done with it so he could move on. The mathematician said, "I am sorry Sire, but there is no royal road to math."


If you refuse to use TESGecko, then I think you should call off the project and never make your dream game build with hundreds of merged mods.

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