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(request) Ebony Mail Darkness Enchantment


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I would like the effect from the Ebony Mail, the character turning black and getting black smoke effect, as an enchantment for chest pieces. Possibly two enchantments, one with the 5 posion damage and one without the damage just the cosmetic effect. Should be a stand alone mod with no hardcore scripting, just an enchantment for chest armor, not a separate armor made with the effect. Maybe even increase the dark smoke effect to a little more noticable level if not too much work.

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I just created this mod, it adds two rings that can be disenchanted and then you can use those enchantments on other chest armors and clothing. I don't think there's a way to directly add an enchantment to the list without disenchanting something first.

One ring's enchantment is identical to the Ebony Mail and the other ring is the same but without the poison effect.




Please endorse if you like it, I'd really appreciate it.

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