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Magnetized to floor?


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Okay, so I have no idea what's going on here. Basically, like it says in the title, my character seems to be magnetized to the floor. When I walk off edges, rather than falling to the bottom I just instantly appear at the bottom, and if there's anything sticking out at the bottom I get stuck in it and have to reload. When I move on any kind of uneven surface, like going up stairs or sometimes when just moving about on a seemingly normal piece of floor, the screen bumps about constantly, and on stairs it's as though I get stuck to each individual stair and just appear on the next one each time I move, if you get what I'm trying to say. And if I try to jump while the screen's bumping about like that, it makes the noise it makes when I land and doesn't let me jump. When I activate ToggleCollision I can't levitate about like normal and I walk up stairs like normal instead of through them (and the screen stops bumping), and if I move through a wall with nothing on the other side I just appear at the bottom of the map and can't get back. Using levitation magic seems to work as normal though.


I haven't got a clue what could have triggered this, I haven't done anything out of the ordinary. First noticed it happening when I went to Nueranar, place added in the House of Telvanni Mod, but I've gone there more times than I can count before so I don't think it's anything there that caused it. May have started before I went there then but I didn't notice it. Last thing I remember doing before that was levitating about in a Telvanni tower. I've been running MWSE, not sure if some error in that caused it. I've been using ToggleCollision every now and then so I don't know if maybe that caused it. I'm not using any scripted spell effects. Other than that I don't have a clue what it could be.


If I load one of my really old saves everything works as normal, so it's definitely something I've done since then rather than the entire game spazzing out somehow.


Anyone know what's going on and how I can fix this? I don't want to just scrap this save and start a new one.

Edited by JasonKaotic
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Does this happen if you (temporarily) start a new game with no mods? I guess not but if it does not happen then mod problems would be ruled out.


If you use Wrye Mash you can quickly re-enable all the mods associated with your "real" save.


Could you post your mod list and the contents of your warnings.txt? Maybe something there will leap out.

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