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A Raiders Morality


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"There... There were about twenty of us. And a few others, scattered around the wastes.

Uh, If you dont mind, Im 'gonna get some sleep..."

Dave lay down on the cold, hard concrete floor, facing the ceiling. His eyes shut slowly, and he almost instantly drifted off.

The next morning, Dave woke up in a panic. Gasping for breath, he quickly sat up-right, with eyes of sheer terror. Ice cold sweat ran down his temple as he calmed and began rubbing his eyes.

He looked around the room, and found the two girls sleeping. Slowly, he stood up. Although his leg was still sore, he was able to walk now. He creeped over to the to the door and slowly opened it. Peering outside, he saw no remnants of the attack now, save for his gun on the floor in a pool of blood.

Dave sat in the open doorway, gazing out into the black forest with eyes of a haunted man.

He sat. And he waited.

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Sasha nodded. "Wow, that's a lot.."


She couldn't imagine living in a group that large. All her life, it had just been her, her sister, and her mother, and for the last three years just her and her sister. She shrugged as the man went to sleep. Eventually, she too slept, snuggled up close to her sister.


In the morning she opened a feline eye as Dave woke suddenly, watching him discretely. She watched him for a few moments, then decided it was time to get up herself. She sat up, teddy bears rolling off her as she moved, and stretched her arms out above her head. She noticed she was still wearing the shirt from last night, ruined by the clawed swipe of a ghoul, and stripped it off. The remains were tossed onto a pile, and a new shirt selected and slipped on. This one had been a black button-down shirt in a previous life, now with its buttons long gone, Sasha tied it in a knot to hold it closed.


Sasha got to her feet and moved to the eat-o-matic, opening it and taking out a box of Sugar Bombs to munch on.


"See anything out there?" she asked Dave.

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Aisha was having the same thoughts as her sister when it came to moving in such a large group. She didn't see how such a large group could have been overrun by night ghouls when just the two girl had been able to fight off a good many of them as well. That was all water under the bridge though as she made herself comfortable and fell asleep next to her sister.


The next morning she stirred a little after she heard her sister moving and then speaking to the other guy they had brought in. Stretching her body out as far as it could, she got into a sitting position and rubbed her eyes sleepily as she said. "What's for breakfast, sis?" She was a little worried about the man but her empty stomach was a priority too.

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"What the?" Cadeus said to himself aloud, a rare occurance, as he say through his collosus targeter taken from the corpse of the Talon Commander a man perched in a doorway at an old power station, staring out into space. Hmmmm. Might be worth investigating guess my quarry will have to wait a little bit then. First things first though, time to make camp. He rose from his position and crept off towards another bluff on the terrace-like cliffs where he had found a small cave with ample room to store his gear and lay his bedroll it was also very inconspicous but he noticed it's biggest advantage now for the first time-a perfect view of the old power station. He removed a small eyebot-like device from his kit and punched a few codes into it on a small remote terminal, the drone then whirred off towards the edge of the next tier and dropped down. It hovered in a small crevice that made it very difficult to spot it's camera focused on the power station with ample zoom. Cadeus triple checked that the feed was secure and the power supply was ample, he had extra fission batteries but the longer he could make them last the better. he set the terminal to record any movement that the drone witnessed. Cadeus lay back on his bedroll and bit into a wild punga fruit from Maryland, it was some of the best food in the Wasteland and he treated it like gold. When he had finished his small meal Cadeus let his eyes shut and caught a few hours of much needed sleep.
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Sasha looked back and smiled as her twin woke. "Mornin sleepyhead," she teased. "Sugar Bombs." She moved back to sit on the desk, and held out the box she'd been snacking from. She loved Sugar Bombs, but she loved her sister more.
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"Im not too sure, I think Ive seen something move down in the woods there, although, it could be a."

Daves sentence was cut short after he noticed a glint In between the rocks on the horizon. Focusing more, he saw that the shimmer was coming from a spherical machine, nestled into the cliff face. Quickly, Dave rose to his feet, turned around and went back though the door, closing it behind him.

"Did you see that?"

That Eyebot was monitoring us..."

Dave opened the door slightly and peered outside, The Eyebot hadnt moved.

"Uhh, you wouldn happen to have another way out of here, would you?"

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Aisha happily took the offered Sugar Bombs and began to munch on them dry. They didn't have any Brahmin milk so they had to eat them out of the box. She didn't complain though since the sugary breakfast cereal was perfect for waking up a kid in the morning. Once she had her fill of the Sugar Bombs she looked over to the man and said. "Someone's watching us? Well that's no surprise. We're the Black Cats after all. If you want to get out of here you could head up onto the roof and try to jump over the fence but on your leg I wouldn't recommend it. If the fall didn't hurt you then the barbed wire definitely would." She shrugged a bit and then looked over to her sister. "What should we do, sis? Should we go over and check it out?" She always left the big decisions to her sister. In fact, she left all the decisions to her sister. She didn't know what she would do if her sister went away.
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Sasha cocked her head, a little surprised. An eyebot, actually watching something? She'd seen plenty floating around, playing that Enclave radio station as they wander aimlessly, not stopping to "monitor" much of anything.


"Maybe we got the Enclave's attention somehow." She shrugged, and shook her head. "Yeah, the only ways in or out are that door and the roof. You sure that thing was pointed at us?"


Sasha collected her laser rifle from the desk. "We should check it out. Sure wish we had...hey, wait, don't we have a rifle with a scope sitting around somewhere Aisha? We never use it 'cus it was big and heavy. We could get up on the roof and look at the eyebot through the scope."


With that the girl knelt next to a pile of what appeared to be assorted junk. She quickly threw off the junk and clothes--it had all been resting on a tarp--revealing a cache of weapons underneath, which she began to rummage through, searching for that scoped rifle.

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"Definitely an eyebot... though, youre right. They dont normally stop and monitor areas.

It could be a merc, Ive seen 'em use re-programmed eyebots before."

Dave peered over, into the weapons chache.

"Thats... quite a collection you got there.

Can I have one of those rifles? My pistols still outside, and, to be honest, its in terrible condition. I only keep it 'cos... well, that doesnt matter."

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Surn awoke to the bright sun in his face, he always woke up late, always. Sometimes he wondered how he had survived so long when he was so vulnerable during the night. He was on the edge of a forest, and he could feel a metal thing near him, he couldn't remember how he got here yesterday, no surprise there. He got up, his back protesting, and stumbled over to the metal thing, his vision blurring as got up. This would clear up in the next few minutes, it always did. Kneeling beside the place, he finds a bear trap, rusty, watch out for tetanus, and doubted that this had been here since before the war, or that it's owner was far away. As his mind finally managed to boot completely up he could feel a lot of metal a little into the woods. Maybe a power station, a favorite for bandits, ghouls, and crazy scientists the world over. There may be robots there.

He finds that thought unattractive, but resolves to investigate anyway, and if it were raiders, well he'd always got along well with the dangerous types, and if a scientist, maybe they were a biologist and not a machinist (shudder) and ghouls weren't a big deal, stupid and unaware things that they are.

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