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They say something crashed in a farmers feild in Roswell, New Mexico. They claim it to be a UFO, an unidenified, flying, object. Was it really? Someone convince me it wasn't.
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Something crashed, but the important thing is that the government thought it would serve their purposes better as using it as a means of spreading misinformation about their secret projects. Aliens have been such an effective cover.


Not saying that there might not be something out there, just saying that most of the people who associate with alien theories are certified wackjobs who are more obsessed over every new bit of "what if" than any REAL science. The vendors who make money selling alien themed crap at conventions, write books, and lead support groups for people who were abandoned by their alien lovers, ect. just make it worse.


If there was anything to it, it has long since been swept under the rug and defecated on by the culture.

Edited by Vagrant0
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Yeah... the real science comes down to very simply this: There are reports from trusted personal of stuff flying through the atmosphaere,

which are estimated 10% of all reports that have gone in.


The rest either being imagination, false reports, rediculous reports or poeple having fun.


What can you do from here on? Nothing.


The furthest i ever saw was a university making spectrums of this phenomena and stuff, but it did not tell them much from what could be seen with the naked eye anyway. Namely that it is some sort of high energy plasma contained in small spaces, intelligently hold together by forces.


In short: Nobody knows.

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Aliens are dangerous, doubt you? ask Orson Welles (although that can be dangerous too) :rolleyes:
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Aliens are dangerous, doubt you? ask Orson Welles (although that can be dangerous too) :rolleyes:


LOl check this humorous yet gets you thinking article lol.


Aliens are among us ;D .




Has lots to do with aliens, Hey LHammonds you should check this out to.

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Sounds like someone was doing a bit too much acid. Just because you're a high-ranking official doesn't mean you can't be crazy and obsessed over a given situation... This is why they have PR people...


As this comes from the 70's and 80's, and the middle of the cold war, I have no doubt that there weren't secret things going on and dummy programs to distract attention from more important stuff. Having a report generated from a high-ranking official which contains many misleading facts is actually the kind of stuff they were doing. Unfortunately, this little bit of historical knowledge would be lost on most, making this sort of thing look like "undenyable proof". The fact that it reads like the tabloids, and is posted on a random blog 30 years after the fact without doing into detail about the source or getting outside evidence to support the claim and doesn't really disclose any actual information doesn't help things.


Suggesting Earth as a travel destination when the stars are your playground and when you clearly have contact with other races is also rather ludicrous. That's like an Anthropologist deciding to take a trip to Bumblef*#@, Mississippi to study the local culture. Sure, they could do it, but there are billions of places which are more suitable to study, adapt to, or even look at.


I know we all think rather highly of ourselves, but seriously...

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Personally, I can't believe why some people deny the presence of aliens. I mean really, our universe is trillions, upon trillions, times trillions with exponents, light years across, its simply gigantic. After the big bang, the universe was the size of our solar system in a minute and a half, can you imagine how huge it is today? Are people really that nieve to say that these trillions of stars and billions of galaxies are empty? Now if you see the show, Ancient Aliens, it shows some pretty revealing evidence that aliens did in fact visit our planet. Sure thats off what I'm trying to explain, but it still shows evidence that aliens are out there, and even being a full Catholic, I believe it.
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