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The value of a Millionaire


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So, in other words, all the people we see in game are not all the people there are?

Not even close. Skyrim is about 1/132 the size of the real province... Riverwood is a major settlement with several hundred inhabitants, and it's almost 200 miles away from Whiterun.


TES games haven't been to scale since Daggerfall, which had about 750,000 NPCs.


I think, based on the cost if realestate the value of a septim is reasonable. A spateous single family residence in a major city would run you over a thousand francs in Elizabethan London.

Edited by Lachdonin
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If you want to scale the population of cities in Skyrim, then the value of a septim should be scaled as well. After all, more people means inflation will climb higher, and a million septims in the Skyrim we know is worth as much as a 100 million septims in a realistic, size-shifted Skyrim.


No..that's not how video game scaling works. Whiterun is actually a huge city with tens of thousands of people inside. But due to the development limitations (both engine wise and the sheer amuont of work it would take) it's scaled down. So the NPCs you meet interact with are part of Whiterun yes, but in the game's "reality" there is a whole bunch of people there.


The scaling won't apply to gold. There is no need to scale down the gold for Skyrim. So it stays at it's usual scale.


It really isn't a hard concept to understand. Do you seriously believe that all of Skyrim is only made up of a few hundred NPCs? Do you seriously believe that an entire province is THAT small? Because Skyrim is supposed to be the size of a medium-sized country remember?



To get back on topic..a million septims would probably buy you a furnished castle or a fleet of ships. Perhaps it could finance a small army.

Edited by calfurius
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Even scaling Skyrim up 500 fold to give Solitude a comparative population to London England in 1000AD 1 Million septims could purchase a large chunk of estates The Blue palace being but a fraction of the 1 Million septims.


While I am on a new play through now in my last Hording play through I had close to 25 Million septims, I had every single armor available in game in my homes and owned every home fully upgraded. Money was nothing. After playing that play through I realized that money really doesn't matter in skyrim, I can live out of a barrel in Whiterun very happily, or a tent if with frostfall and iNeed. I'd like to have to pay taxes in towns, and as my notoriety increases to gain access to towns paying homage to the people in charge becomes expected.



As for what I'd do if I had a Million septims and could do as I wish in Skyrim. I'd probably buy Fort Greymoor since I like living in WhiteRun the Fort is close by, I'd venture to say I'd need 4000 Quarried stone to repair it, so that is $8000, being disheveled I should be able to buy the rights to the Fort for $25000, Buying all new furniture I'll put at $20,000, since I like lavish things. I think I'd have to dig a moat around the Fort as well, and fill it with slaughterfish That would be a lot of giant slaves to get that done so lets say $100,000 I'd still be weathly enough for servants and such, but I'd turn that Fort into a pretty palace.

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If you're up for a challenge, try Requiem - Hard Times :devil:


Completely sucked the enjoyment out of skyrim for me.


I guess I could see how some people would enjoy requiem, but after playing to level 5, I found it so slow moving and so unidirectional. I loved elements of it. The blurry vision, broken bows from melee, cooking actually making useful things, but taking a solid 2 hours before having any sort of dynamic skills to do battle 1 spider skulking outside of Riverrun was enough to kill me 3 times from across the river. I had to sprint naked to get back to Riverrun.

I am going to look for a few mods that bring some of the unleveled dungeons and the improved fighting of Requiem, But I was never one that enjoyed pen pal chess by mail, and Requiem seems to be like that.

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