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how much is 'script heavy'?


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This is probably a subjective question, but I'd like to hear opinions to get a feel for what the reasonable script burdens are, and how much is too much.


How much is too much for a single plugin? How much is too much for the total load in any given state?


The thing isn't necessarily the amount of scripts, though having too many can certainly be an issue. It's how many are running, especially when "polling". Certain types of scripts check for something every second or so, which can cause save game bloats and such. Scripts aren't necessarily bad, I don't think, it's how they're used.

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you mostly want to avoid scripts that use "registerForUpdate" as these will keep running even after you unistalled the mod and will cause an error log with every update (every few seconds most likely) scripts that dont use update functions are no problem at all i think (imo). I think there is a limit to how much resources scripts can use witch you would hit with alot of script heavy mods running at the same time but there a mods out there that increase that limit afaik. I dont think you can definitly say "how much is to much". IIRC conveneient horses has a script lag log or something like this, that will show you how much scripts lage behind in seconds. You should keep this under hm... 10 seconds maybe? (i think it stops scripts as soon as you hit 20 seconds?) but it really depends on your PC

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Skyrim sets aside a certain amount of memory for scripts and within thwt a certain amount of memory per script. If your script hits the limit, it gets paused while the game processes the next script in the queue.


You run into problems with script lag when you have a lot of scripts firing off the same event or otherwise updating at the same time. If those scripts have timing-specific functions. For example the vanilla perk Avoid Death needs to fire right away when the player gets to 10% health or else the player may die before the healing has a chance to take effect.


There is no generic definitin of "script heavy," I think. But I also think that it's best to he considerate of those who want to play your mod and release as many resources as you can for other mods, even if your particular mod does not require a huge amount of resources.

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There is no generic definitin of "script heavy," I think. But I also think that it's best to he considerate of those who want to play your mod and release as many resources as you can for other mods, even if your particular mod does not require a huge amount of resources.

I did say the question was subjective, so I wouldn't expect a hard and fast answer; more like a rule of thumb. If you admit it's a term you would apply, then what would you apply it to? Imagine that had no reason to evade the question, because I can't imagine any reason you would.

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There is no generic definitin of "script heavy," I think. But I also think that it's best to he considerate of those who want to play your mod and release as many resources as you can for other mods, even if your particular mod does not require a huge amount of resources.

I did say the question was subjective, so I wouldn't expect a hard and fast answer; more like a rule of thumb. If you admit it's a term you would apply, then what would you apply it to? Imagine that had no reason to evade the question, because I can't imagine any reason you would.


The thing is that having a lot of scripts isn't necessarily bad, as long as they're properly written and such, and they don't use certain methods. But you can't tell what mods use those methods, without opening up the scripts for each one.

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It's just not a question that has a consistent answer. Script heavy is a relative concept. Something is script heavy as compared to something else that is script light or unscripted. You're just not going to get a satisfying answer here unless we know the context of your question. Without context it just doesn't have a meaningful response.
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It's just not a question that has a consistent answer. Script heavy is a relative concept. Something is script heavy as compared to something else that is script light or unscripted. You're just not going to get a satisfying answer here unless we know the context of your question. Without context it just doesn't have a meaningful response.


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Well, I thought it would be unreasonable to ask for a consistent answer, which is why I didn't ask for one. I didn't think it was unreasonable to ask for a number of opinions, which is what I did ask for.


Surely there's a ballpark number that you could guess without looking that there's some unjustifiable script use going on. If there's a metric other than script count that you would use to measure a mod's overhead, then describe it. I don't expect that to be objective either, so feel free to give your opinion and explain your reasons.

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