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No console?!


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I got this really annoying problem. I installed Fallout 3 + all DLC's, no mods yet and I just wanted to enter the console. I got out of Vault 101, pressed ~ and nothing... nothing happens.

I changed the y and x coordinates in Fallout3.ini and in the default file also.

The allowConsole=1 and I didn't even instal any mods.

I use a laptop with Vista 64x is that an issue? I tried to plug in an external usb keyboard and still nothing worked.

Game is in version


Please HELP.


I've updated the game to v and still nothing.

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Downloaded the mod, fomm and fose. Installed them everything worked just fine but... the console doesn't appear. NOTHING helps. Any other ideas?

unlike Morrowind


in Oblivion and in Fallout3, the console does not "appear"


its just a cursor at the lower left of the screen


If the game stops, you've activated the console


if you can't find the console after the game has stopped


its a screen position problem.



If you are starting Fallout from the FOSE launcher and the console doesn't appear - while activating this mod - you got serious problems.


If you are not starting Fallout from the FOSE launcher - you are not using this mod.

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its just a cursor at the lower left of the screen


If the game stops, you've activated the console


The game doesn't stop at all :/


If you are starting Fallout from the FOSE launcher and the console doesn't appear - while activating this mod - you got serious problems.


If you are not starting Fallout from the FOSE launcher - you are not using this mod.


Well then I got a serious problem :/

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