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Oblivion Plants into Fallout could it be done?


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Hello there,


Yes it's me again with another fantastically irrelevent question :thumbsup: ....stop crying! :blink:


Right is it possible to implement Oblivion Plants and whatnot into Fallout 3 say like the cairn bolete can that be carried over to Fallout? not as an activator just the main static nif, and vice verser or would this be a breach of copyright? :ninja:


Just a thought. :biggrin:

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Anything from another game will have to be made from scratch. A rip is not legal. However, if a new mesh and texture is made that we can verify is not just a copy with a few minor changes it is allowed.
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Anything from another game will have to be made from scratch. A rip is not legal. However, if a new mesh and texture is made that we can verify is not just a copy with a few minor changes it is allowed.


Oh ok, so like if the mushroom had three different stalks with with heads in theory that's a new mesh right?, or is that not good enough?. I've always wonderd that..

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That's not site rules. That is the word from Bethesda.


Ah I see now, how about if you use the NIF from the same game and modify them and not import them into another game that's legal right?.


Like for example use the three headed bolete only for Oblivion not import it into Fallout.

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  • 4 months later...

Just a word of warning, guys. Here's the low-down about this issue. Bethesda killed an enormous modding project here on this site. The modders had put in hundreds of hours of hard work on it. It was called Morrowblivion and was an attempt to introduce Morrowind content into Oblivion. Even though the Morrowblivion project didn't actually distribute any of that content (you had to buy both games, yourself), Bethesda, with their legal department behind them, shut it down. You may not use ANY content from ANY game, not even a game produced by Bethesda, in Oblivion or port any of Oblivion's content to another game. That's clearly stated in the EULA you guys probably didn't actually bother to read (who does read all that stuff, anyway?), and I'm sure that the Fallout 3 EULA is almost a carbon copy of the Oblivion EULA, which could put you in breach of two contracts.


The bottom line is that if you create the mesh and texture from scratch and it doesn't look like you just modified them from their Oblivion counterparts (and, maybe even give it a unique name, just to be on the safe side), you're OK, but it has to be all original content or you'll be in conflict with an agreement you made with Bethesda just by opening up the package the software came in and you will be unable to host your mod on this site because the administration doesn't want to deal with this legal bag of worms, again.

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