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Blade vs. Blunt


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I've always played swordsmen characters, and I've always noticed that bladed weapons always do more damage than their blunt counterparts. However, there must be some advantage to blunt weapons. I've looked through several guides and walkthroughs, and haven't found anything laying these out. Any info out there?
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Blunt weapons are stronger than blades, but it depends on how high your skills are. If your blunt and blade skills are both 25/25 or 100/100, than blunt is stronger, but if blade skill is 75 and blunt 65, blade is stronger.


I too prefer blades, but I like blunts too, I must have at least one in my inventory. :thumbsup:

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Blunt weapons are more powerful overall. I am not much for slow, powerful weapons. I prefer quick slashing with a sleek, intricate blade.,,,


Same here, especially combining invisibility with sneak attacks and then vanishing again! :ninja:


I was wondering if anyone knew of the actual stats of how blunt might negate armor or anything tangible. What did you mean by "more powerful overall..." That's the part I don't understand. A one-handed steel battle axe does less damage than a steel sword; a two-handed steel battle axe doe less damage than a two handed steel sword; and so on...

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You hit a lot stronger with blunt yeah...But the speed...You move like u have 1000 years man!!!....You go really slow...So...

Blunt:A lot of damange but slow

Blade:Averange damange but fast (not really fast but again fast :sweat: )

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You hit a lot stronger with blunt yeah...But the speed...You move like u have 1000 years man!!!....You go really slow...So...

Blunt:A lot of damange but slow

Blade:Averange damange but fast (not really fast but again fast :sweat: )

so here you have your fundamental uses


1 - dagger of ribbons - slashes every which-a-way


2 - Mace of Extermination - sneak and BAMMMMMMMM

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