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UK Election day


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Anyone staying up tonight to get the UK election results?


I've been out all day knocking up voters to remind them to go vote and helping the elderly get to their local polling station. Big election this one and it's going to be very close, very interesting.


Exit polls are in and, woo, looks like the Lib Dems have lost 3 seats rather than gained them like everyone thought. Thank god.

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Exit polls are in and, woo, looks like the Lib Dems have lost 3 seats rather than gained them like everyone thought. Thank god.

I don't believe the exit poll. The Lib Dems have been ahead through all three debates, and suddenly they're behind?

I can't vote yet, but I'm still staying up to see what happens.

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It's a very shocking exit poll, that's for sure. But Clegg did seem to peak too soon and in the past few days even Brown was regaining seats according to the polls.


Of course the way our voting system works does mean that they can get 25% of the vote and still lose seats.

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why why Dark0ne no.... no...... not the nexus ugh lol ......staying up to watch that!!!! you got to be joking , politicians are all a bunch of idiots and are corrupt, taking back handers ect, i think a average joe would do a better JOB!


politicians don't live in the real world they have no idea what's going on... nothing is safe these days :ninja:


but it would be funny if labour got back in to number 10.............. i will be shouting corrupt at the top of my voice


but saying that i hope the conservative party gets in , the lesser EVIL maybe ? who's knows


PS: sorry little RANT :teehee:


PPS: i would say more but would get banned :wink:

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im on a work trip and have no tv or anything and i using my stupid internet dongle any info on whats happening?????????


I still managed to vote anyway


anyway @ Dark0ne who did you vote for feel free not to answer


personlly i chose labour wont explain why will tyake too long :thumbsup:

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Only 3 results in from Sunderland which is hardcore labour land. Have to wait until much later to get a bigger picture unfortunately but the conservatives are getting big swings from labour.
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Its interesting listening to lol listening, i mean watchingyou people talk about the British election, what a only 2 party system, i like our six party system better, chances of corruption is less that way :thumbsup: .
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