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Fallout New Vegas trip to Capital Wasteland

insane max

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Folloving can change any day, as I try to update it sometimes.


Brianide did inform that there can be some challenge to make this work with Bethdesdas legal department. So lets not be too hasty, I think this can be successfull only if carefully made not to violate EULA.


If I understand Game content cannot be swapped between games. This can be avoided with cunning story, problem can be that character data cannot be swapped, or atleast automatically.

how ever if character conversion is OK with Bethesda, this can be much easier.

In New Vegas game you can start your journey and there is script that saves game, shuts New Vegas down and starts Fo3, then you need to change to Fo3 DVD disc. Then it could go like this Modded Fo3 asks Game save where you want your character now you can select Any save game from Fo3 or Vegas?, including that new that sript did save with name SELECT THIS ONE. now you can enter Capital Wasteland. When leaving, script saves starts New Vegas and DVD:s are swapped again.

These are two separate mods for separate games, that are linking these games for easyer change between games, and making it possible to play Fo3 vith alternative main story and With character that is nuch like that one you did build and play in Normal Fallout3 storyline, or that in Vegas.

At text in the end of this mod request I offer one story that explains that why you loose ALL your eguipments when entering Capital Wasteland.


there allready is this: Alternate Start - Roleplayers. from that mod you will find option, I am originally from a Vault: This option will disable ALL references of you being from Vault 101. WARNING! THIS MAY CONTAIN MANY BUGS.(Currently all this does is change an unused variable in a script. It has no effect on gameplay as of now)


This is something really worth doing, and it can be doable too. First all main story related must be removed or changed, for example that,some quests has been done once allready by someone else, but it is needed to do it again for some reason. Voice acting can be edited or re used, but really, just text will do. In most conversations in Fo1 & 2 is only text. There is allready many modifications for Fo3 that modify towns and areas and add many and new Quests for Fo3, and those are good base for new and changed Capital Wasteland. Megaton can be bigger or completely removed by nuclear device that once was center of city. Some GTS location like Iceland cannot be traveled by land, and Washington D.C. is coastal city, so it's place that you shoud use for sea trips too.


This is project that can be started now and hopefully it is somehow operational before New Vegas is available



Contents:(All in your modded Fo3)


-Playable Capital Wasteland, The Pitt, Point lookout and many overseas GTS locations.

-New towns like Colby east and what ever we can imagine.

-Many new or "old*" quests. (*if you have already played those mods where they are from allready.)

-Items like eastern brotherhood PA's and Lincoln repeater.

-More typo:s :wacko:

-More later.



I'm great fan of original fallouts and lets keep this lore friendly every way.


WARNING: Text below contains possible parts of the story of this mod







You must repair allmost working car in New Vegas with some amercency repair trick and parts found from identical model in new "Wasteland car service" quest(I have no idea) :ermm: , and then you can start your journey.


Leaving Vegas


Your car stops in the middle of nowhere and it needs parts, parts that you cannot find from your inventory. Gang of Raiders shows up an the leader insists to have your car(in game video or text that explains what happened), "If you give your car for us, we will let you live!". If player chooses to give that broken piece of sh*t, Gang leader hits you with his baseball bat(in video sreen goes black) when they realise it's broken. Or alternatively if you choose not to give your car away, You get from that bat immediately, so now you are unconscious in bolth cases.



This is that point where script saves game with a name: . starts yoour modded fallout3 and shuts down Fallout New Vegas. Now Fallout3 DVD is asked by Fo3 DVDcheck. And when entered modded fo3 asks to select save game that is used to for getting old character to this game. You probably now select SELECT THIS ONE from Fallout New Vegas. Now mod generates NEW chaharacter with same level, perks(if there is), sex, if appearance is somehow New Wegas only You get character with bandaged head. Game starts.



Bad Headache


This is when you wake up realise that, you are naked and everything you had is gone, besides one exeption. Your car is there with a new paintjob that says rat mobile.


Continues later.



And When you are leaving wasteland(in video) you spot that same gang of raiders, and park your car over that raider gang leader, and finally take your "loaned" stuff back, with some interest. :cool: In that good feeling you load all those possessions collected from Capital Wasteland to the literally bottomles trunk of your car :wallbash: and axidentally leave those for next visit. sript saves game and Chages it back to New Vegas. Next visits are similiar exept now you are stopped to collect those treasures that did fall out of your trunk last time and that same tough raider leader knocks you out again.:blink: and takes your stuff, :verymad:but leaves car, becouse it has been tricked with bomb.

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First, please speak english, not typo. See that little wavy red line covering most of your paragraph? OBEY IT.


And I'm sure there shall be a mod that merges vegas with fallout 3. After all, they run off of the same engine.

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And I'm sure there shall be a mod that merges vegas with fallout 3. After all, they run off of the same engine.

The precedent established by Morroblivion in regards to how Bethesda handles this kind of thing is sort of discouraging. Even if the mod were to require the player to have the original Fallout 3 BSA archives, it'd be almost the exact same situation. Unless they've had some major turnover in their legal department, I wouldn't expect the result to be much different.

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First, please speak english, not typo. See that little wavy red line covering most of your paragraph? OBEY IT.


It was very late night when I was typoing this, and probably my english and/or typing is bad, or in rust. I normally write in finnish, which differs greatly from enlish, even in centence order. How many languages can you really master, if you use only one regularly?

I think, I was just way too tired. I did go through it later, and it really was terrible.

That wavy red line doesn't appear on my screen, so it was easy to make mistakes, or to be unsure and write it anyway. This may contain typos as well.


Now it is better, I hope. Readibility can still be weak, but it should be understandable now.

Period or at least punctuation mark errors there is many, since that isn't really my area of expertice.

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And I'm sure there shall be a mod that merges vegas with fallout 3. After all, they run off of the same engine.

The precedent established by Morroblivion in regards to how Bethesda handles this kind of thing is sort of discouraging. Even if the mod were to require the player to have the original Fallout 3 BSA archives, it'd be almost the exact same situation. Unless they've had some major turnover in their legal department, I wouldn't expect the result to be much different.


Script which teleport you to Fo3? Fo3 has DVD check, and we Change DVD and GAME to Fo3. And Fo3 can be modded as we like. After this they are still separate games.

Hopefully there is way of doing this, that Bethesda doesn't find to be wrong.


Use of brain cells can make it possible way that everyone is happy. :geek: :thumbsup:

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After all, they run off of the same engine.

while it is confirmed that NV will be gamebryo based engine. it is highly likely that it will be a newer version of the renderer, and that there will be some purpose built code changes that go along with it and the nif format. that will effectively mean it will be like trying to use oblivion content in fallout3. ie it will not work out of the box. and nothing entrywise in the F3 version of the geck(tescs) will translate very well if at all. I'll be surprised if that was not the case.

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After all, they run off of the same engine.

while it is confirmed that NV will be gamebryo based engine. it is highly likely that it will be a newer version of the renderer, and that there will be some purpose built code changes that go along with it and the nif format. that will effectively mean it will be like trying to use oblivion content in fallout3. ie it will not work out of the box. and nothing entrywise in the F3 version of the geck(tescs) will translate very well if at all. I'll be surprised if that was not the case.


So lets keep them separate, like EULA is forcing us :wink:

Only script or manual game swap with character information is needed.

It is still possible.

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  • 11 months later...

So wait, if I go off and merge two game (That I bought, I didn't torrent) files together, I can't? Wait, I own copies of the files *epic face* I can do it. I cannot just give YOU (anyone) the files. what you do with your own files isn't their business. I know HOW to do this, BSA merge, add a portal to a new world (probably that abandoned train tunnel.) and magic.

Then I merge the DLCs into it, and. MORE MAGIC. Seeing as unless you're doing the FO3 main storyline you won't see much logic bugs. I'm good (I didn't like the main quest all that much.)

Don't you love how things work?

I've LOST my copy of FO3 disk so I will not be doing this for a LONG time. But yeah, it's simple how to do it.


^^ They aren't coming into everyones homes and taking your files to read them and to see if you merged your games togther, and plus. It's not online, that dithers the possibilities of checking the files even more. But sure, Obsidian/Bethesda can do what they want. Not like everyone in this site has been good and BOUGHT every single song. ^^

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