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A Question About the English Language


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English is my first language, and I'm more well read than what I believe to be the norm. Just a little Backstory.

Anyways in the context of "things about ones person" which is the proper term to use "affects" or "effects?"

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English is my first language, and I'm more well read than what I believe to be the norm. Just a little Backstory.

Anyways in the context of "things about ones person" which is the proper term to use "affects" or "effects?"

personal effects

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Affect is commonly used as a verb and effect as a noun. The "a" does something or influences another thing.


Example: The special effect in my mod is bound to affect peoples emotions.

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If English is difficult for native speakers think of how much more difficult it is for non native speakers. We have a lot of them on the Nexus, so be sure to give them some slack.
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The one that always gets me is the ' i before e except after c' rule, i get confused constantly about this as there are so many exceptions to this rule, here is a little list of what i mean.


beige, cleidoic, codeine, conscience, deify, deity, deign,

dreidel, eider, eight, either, feign, feint, feisty,

foreign, forfeit, freight, gleization, gneiss, greige,

greisen, heifer, heigh-ho, height, heinous, heir, heist,

leitmotiv, neigh, neighbor, neither, peignoir, prescient,

rein, science, seiche, seidel, seine, seismic, seize, sheik,

society, sovereign, surfeit, teiid, veil, vein, weight,

weir, weird


Even as an English speaker from England, i think i could spend my whole life studying the language and still not get it right.

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