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A few questions about weapons

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1) Is it possible to make the life of a weapon very high / unlimited? Because I made a powerful sniper and its at almost no life after 15 or so shots. And I don't want to pay someone to reapair it part way >.<


2) Is it possible to reduce or delete the barrel wander of a scope? My sniper has some wandering I want to get rid of.


3) Is it possible to make a sniper automatic?



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1) Is it possible to make the life of a weapon very high / unlimited? Because I made a powerful sniper and its at almost no life after 15 or so shots. And I don't want to pay someone to reapair it part way >.<


2) Is it possible to reduce or delete the barrel wander of a scope? My sniper has some wandering I want to get rid of.


3) Is it possible to make a sniper automatic?



1)well you can up the weapons health to something huge. just start throwing 9s into that field...that should keep it going for a while. unless its doing 1000s of damage per shot..


2) dunno about anything relating to how that works


3) yes and no. this is partially tied into the animation set i believe. um can't think off hand what to do here besides faffing with the rate of fire. there are several topics dotted around where people mention how they were going about turning semi or single shot weapons into auto.

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Ok, thanks for the answers. I was able to get the life of my guns pretty high up, so that shouldn't be a problem. The wander doesn't really matter much, I'm not using the sniper anymore. And I was able to get my weapon automatic, although the animation should be toyed with...


EDIT: Also, I tried to make the health incredibly huge (Around 999999999999) and when I tried playing it said that is had no life yet the bar was full. When I went back to check the weapon, it had a life of zero :O

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Ok, thanks for the answers. I was able to get the life of my guns pretty high up, so that shouldn't be a problem. The wander doesn't really matter much, I'm not using the sniper anymore. And I was able to get my weapon automatic, although the animation should be toyed with...


EDIT: Also, I tried to make the health incredibly huge (Around 999999999999) and when I tried playing it said that is had no life yet the bar was full. When I went back to check the weapon, it had a life of zero :O



I think you overflowed it, since the highest it can go is (most likely) 65535, since that's the highest you can go with a regular floating point number.

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OH come on! Sure let's just remove all the other fun parts of the game that make it a simulation while we are at it. 3000-4000 health is a brand name weapon, like a glock or SIG, anything less is a jammer, capped at 1000. I mean if you wana get technical about it some of the more famous guns, that are even brand name, jam like crazy.


Sniper rifles are different from assault rifles. You can't really make a good semi auto assault rifle. You can make a scoped assault rifle, though, which would perform better, than a full auto sniper rifle. The reason why is that the full auto sniper rifle is going to be a work around "rigged mesh" but the full auto pistols are pretty much a one handed sniper rifle, the problem with the sniper rifle is the animation is a full on .308 cal blast recoil that knocks the scope straght up off target. Hence why it's probably a bad idea to make a full auto version, that recoil would play out each time the thing fired, but wouldn't be able to finish the animation, crashy? Then any weapon animation being hardcoded would agravate the problem, locked inside the actual weapon mesh.


If I was going to do it, I'd copy an paste the shape of the sniper rifle into a assault rifle mesh, keeping it as clean as possible while also looking exactly like a vanilla assault rifle mesh in the block list. This is still at best a rigged mesh. But if you practice it enough you can do it clean enough, so that good performance is maintained. Takes about a month to figure out. The settings in the weapon in GECK would also have to match. The main thing that limits what you can do is the attack animation. When we cut an paste from one to another it's to fool the system into using one of the other attack animations. Which I reckon are the hard-coded part.


FO3edit is a real good weapon editor, because it's just spreadsheet, an loads up quick.



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1. I think theres a mod already on the nexus that takes away or reduces weapon damage. If not i believe theres something in the settings that is for attack damage/weapon damage. (Meaning for every amount of damage the gun does per shot a certain amount of damage is done to the gun.)


2. To turn off wander you need your small guns skill set to max in game (100 i think) and then you need to set the min and max spread to 0.0 in the geck.


3. I'm not sure what the person who posted above me is talking about but, for a full auto sniper rifle all you need to do is change the attack animation in the GECK to AttackLoop edit the Fire rate and/or Attack Multiplier and then save and enjoy I wouldn't touch the latter just change the Fire rate if you touch the multipliers all your attack animations (reload/jam/attack) can speed up or slow down accordingly as well. I dont member which one affects this i think it was just the multiplier not the attack multiplier. No nif work should be needed to make this work. You may have to change the Animation set from 2 hand rifle to 2 hand automatic though but i think its already 2 hand automatic. IDR

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BUSTED! dang ole beat...


Ecksile's totally right. GAH i'm sooch a IDIOOT ha ha ahha


Well on most of the other weapons the stars never line up like that. Pretty much it's just checking the automatic box in the top right of the first screen, then set the fire rate, don't foorgetted the clip size, then the second page use attack loop which is the VATS camera. An that's it. The damage is high on it though so unless you bring it down it's a godified weapon. Hey the assault rifles get a 4.5 spread but for some reason this sniper rifle has 0 spread.


The sound of the thing is killer though, it's like duda duda duda, an the scope doesn't recoil off target anymore.



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