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Reflective Vanity Mirrors


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One of my biggest bones to pick with Fallout 3 programming is that in order get a good look at myself I have to change hairstyles, edit my face, or look in a mirror. I want to be able to see me without having to go find a barber or Pinkerton. Unless I haven't noticed something, there aren't many mirrors in the Capital Wasteland left intact, and the ones that are reflect a blinding amount of light, making it pointless to try and find a reflection of myself.


What I propose is the addition of seeing myself in mirrors in the Capital Wasteland, making some available in different rooms in different towns. I would also like to suggest a two sided mirror to carry around with me(not to be mistaken for a two-way mirror). I would like there to be spots I can activate to set my mirror up and look at myself. Don't you guys ever wish to see your reflection, see your character's face once in a while, outside of face/hair editors and V.A.T.S.?

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You go to third person, open the console (the tilde ~ key), type tfc enter, and close the console (tilde ~ again). Move your camera around 'til you see that wonderful map of yours as nature intended it to be viewed and maybe take some mug shots if it pleases you.




Would this be acceptable?




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Just hold down f key (or whatever you changed it to) and you can view your character from all angles.


This topic does remind me of how great and innovative Duke Nukem was.


You had mirrors where you could see yourself. You had jetpacks. You had shrinkrays and hologram projectors so you could create a decoy of yourself. It's kind of crazy (and sad in a way) that people are struggling to get these things into this game and we had all of them in 1996.

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  • 8 months later...

Ooh, yeah. I forgot that most of you use the keyboard. I probably should have mentioned this, but I play with a 360 controller. I'd have to switch between them, and using the keyboard as a controller is a bit awkward for me, especially since I don't have a mouse.


Forget the handmirror, that just sounds gay now.

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Personally, I think the addition of *some* functional mirrors to the capitol wasteland (esp. in player houses) would be good for adding immersion. I am new to modding, and taking on a very ambitious first project, but if I do meet success, I intend to try to add mirrors as static objects in the game. I know the keyboard works, I'd just be doing it for immersion's sake.
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