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Need help with a scene.


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Thank you for the post. I'll fill out your questions:


1. I only use forced ref, When I did use unique or something else with alias's

it only glitched and didn't work correctly.


2. The actor i'm using is a one of a kind, duplicated her, made her named the same but with a 2 at the end

of her ID. She is also ticked as unique.


3. Thanks for the help with dialogue but I understand how to work with that already.

I've already set the conditions for stage must be 10 and only her saying it. =)


I believe that was all you needed to know?


The its frustrating how the scene is set up correctly (I've made a scene before) but it wont work!

at this point I'm wondering if the npc, and markers are glitched, or broken and I should start the scene progress over

from beginning. I actually did that though and even with another NPC the scene would not work.


Here is the additional info:


After failing to make Delphine act out her scene, I figured she was broken so I made a new npc

and made a generic quest titled "SceneTest001" And had the first stage set to "Scene.start()"

the scene was simply a walk script, however while in game, the npc would not act out the scene.


The quest however did start, as I set objectives to make sure the stage was current.

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Best way to see which section crashes the scene would be to put Debug.Messagebox all over the scene (beginning, before actions, after actions, ending phase, start next phase and so on). This (seems like overkill but) allows you to see at what point the scene fails (right away at start or later on when she has to start walking) if it stops at the walking then it would have to do with the marker. If it stops before even beginning then it has to do that all the conditions weren't met.


My bar scene that I was talking about in my earlier post, when I first did it; it never began because one of my references for the scene failed to fill (I had Keerava as an actor but she was busy with another scene playing so my quest scene crashed). Once you know which part it is it's quick to fix.


So do the message box test and see where exactly it stops working...I could help more once I know the point where the problem occurs.

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Ok, right now I'm not wanting to get into creation kit, but I will indeed get to it soon. However, how would I put a debug message box into a scene?

I haven't done something like that before, I've only delt with the right clicking, and adding an actor, packages, or dialogue, no scripting in a scene.

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