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New Medal in the U.S. Army


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It's a good idea on the surface, I think. With conflicts like these fought more or less on someone's doorstep, avoiding the deaths of bystanders should be a main concern. However, it's rather eerie, as pointed out earlier, that a medal is required for this.

And the OP said something akin to 'It's war, civilians should get used to it' (or maybe it's a faulty interpretation on my part), which begs the question; would your reaction stay the same if, say, a guided missile would wipe out a prtion of an US suburb? Which civilian is worth more than which?

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In a hot zone, things happen really fast. those kids who were playing with toy guns see a U.S. convoy storm into town on an insurgent search and destroy. The kids start pointing the toy guns at the soldiers saying "bang bang". if real shots are being fired off around them and the soldier sees what looks like a real gun he's more than likely going to open fire on the kids. (just MHO)


As for a bomb, it would be kinda hard to see when its strapped around them and they wear a robe over it. :confused:


As for the medal, I feel that's a one you don't try to get.


At Retribution,


-Oh, believe me, I think that our civilians are worth much more than theirs.

-So you are trolling, Retribution.

-How is that trolling? I'm just stating my opinion.


Most religious debates and flaming starts by "stating their own opinion." its basically is saying that our lives are worth more than theirs, while a middle eastern user (do we even have any?) would take that very, very offensively and is going to start a flame war, and some ones probably going to get banned.

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Oh, believe me, I think that our civilians are worth much more than theirs.


I disagree. Any unarmed, innocent civilians shouldn't be killed, our side or theirs. They're both worth the same. Both are common people trying to survive in an unwanted war (for them at least), trying to go about their daily lives.


EDIT: And if we just go and bomb them, whats the difference between us and the "enemy".




Anyway, I think the medals a great idea. It encourages soldiers to think, ask questions, then shoot if needed.

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Oh, believe me, I think that our civilians are worth much more than theirs.


I found this statement disrespectfull to our eastern forum users (and me), arrogant and racist. I have seen threads closed for statements like this, and wander why this thread still is on. :verymad:

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They live in fear. what can theydo when the insurgents are their own kin? say "marine!, come here, i got one!"
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