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Best combination of mods for weather?


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Yes I'm trying out Pureweather along with Real Shelter. But when I noticed it raining and standing under cover the transition was much too bad, under cover the rain appeared at least 4x as strong, so I'm hoping I can add another rain affect on top so that the transition isn't so jaring but I'm not sure if this will work.

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I've put a lot of thought and effort into this, and my personal favorite, right now at least, is Vividian with Climates of Tamriel


This combines CoT, with Supreme Storms, the CoT weather patch, Expanded Snow System, and a lot of complex lighting and weather mumbo jumbo to get it all working brilliantly together.


I use the vivid version, and it looks quite a bit like the screenshots, very pretty. I personally don't use any of CoT night options (really dislike the "sunglasses" effect) and use Realistic Nights and Darker Dungeons for ENB instead.


Makes days look pretty but "normal" dawn and dusk really bright and colorful, and nights and dungeons all dark and creepy.


if you are looking for the "really intense rain and snow storms" this works great.


Sadly, it's almost impossible to get realistic shelter to not have a "jarring transition" I've tried so many combination of weather mods, it's either way heavier, or way lighter. As much as I love the mod I've stopped using it, cause the rain coming through things is less of an issue then it going from an intense downpour I can't see 3 feet in to a light drizzle. >.<

Edited by ArtMurder
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Weather and Ambience Overhaul Mega Patch is also another good one to take a look at. It combines the patches for a lot of weather and audio mods, plus has ELFX patches all in one.


Does WAO make the Real Shelter mod work ok? How is the transistions when going under shelters? Does it make the rain intensity and lighting match up better? I tried to find a youtube but didn't see one... I wouldn't mind if theres a slight transition as long as the intensity and lighting matches somewhat close.

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Ok here's what I'm going with for now: Expanded Skyrim Weather, More Rain, More Snow, Supreme and Volumetric Fog, MintyLightningMod.


I also got Realistic Lighting Overhaul but I might not use it because the weathers portion causes the mountains to show through rain. I can disable the weathers portion but then compared to outside the interiors look quite dark and everything looks more orange.


Edit: I also found this mod CLO Custom Lighting Overlay http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21642/?

This is pretty cool you can adjust contrast, bloom, saturation and other stuff in game, no external requirements.

Edited by Emton
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