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Idea For More Survivable Horses: Knockdown Horse Kicks


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Horses kick. HARD. Hard enough to knock a grown man flat on his ass. Why can't Oblivion's horses do the same?


If there was a modification that gave a horse kick a high or even guarunteed chance of a knockdown, it would give the horse a much greater chance of winning a fight, either by you taking advantage of the knockdown to whail on him, or the horse to get some extra hits in before the horsemeat lover gets back on their feet.


There ought to be a mod! :D

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Horses kick much harder than just knocking you off your feet - they can crush a ribcage with a good kick to the rear...


Ya, horses otta be able to kick then RUN! Who woulda thought that horses would run away?

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Horses in oblivion do kick although they don't knock down and attack after 3 hits or so. I'd really like such a mod but remember that horses do not like fighting and prefer to run away unless otherwise trained to fight. Even then thy would rather not fight unless ordered or put against the wall or angered VERY much.
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My black horse seems to want to trample anything that dares to attack it, it seems. He sits there and just keeps on kicking over and over, requiring me to go save his ass before he's dog food. Thankfully, the horse armor mod gave me a fair bit more leeway with him.


Damn horse...

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