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Questions about the autosave feature


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Hello all,

I've recently started a new Fallout 3 game, and I'm wondering if it's safe to rely on the autosave feature. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the autosave feature could be problematic; items in your home would sometimes go missing, etc. I'm not even sure if I read it about Fallout 3 or Oblivion, but that always stuck with me and I've always avoided autosaves like the plague. But now I'm wondering... is that really true? Or have I been misinformed this whole time? Are autosaves just as reliable as manual saves?


On a related note, I'm thinking of downloading and using this mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3008

Anyone know whether there are any risks involved with a mod like this? In case it makes a difference, I'm playing with FWE, MMM, and the Galaxy News "More Where That Came From" mods.


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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The Vanilla autosave and quicksave function are crab. I am at work (snigger) and can't open fallout3nexus from here. If the mod you refer to the autosave mod i have no experience with that but i hear it works just fine.
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I used to have autosave on and frequently used quicksaving. It worked great in the beginning, but as the game got more "detailed" i.e remembering the dead guy way over there and the other dead guy waay over there the autosave caused freezes and crashes, quicksaving made a funny bug occur with the graphics, like featured in this picture (only picture I could find showing the bug) that would go away upon saving and reloading properly with the Save and Load function. Nothing substantial like items disappearing or anything like that. Turned off that crappy Autosave feature though.
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Autosave and quicksave work perfectly fine and have saved my cute little pyro's butt many a time.

Experience will guide you to the folly of your statement.


Wait and see for yourself.


Its coming.

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Try it. If it freezes or crashes, turn off the autosave function. I have yet to hear any real bad news about the quick save. Just don't quick load too often and you should be fine. Remember to save properly and often and always have backup saves.


I have a save per week, 1 per day, 1 at Megaton before leaving for questing and 1 I use while on the roll. It's because I have lost countless hours because of bugs and the like, but thats off topic.

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