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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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I used to think sluggard was just another way of saying slugger. A good example of a slugger is Babe Ruth, the famous baseball player.


I found out from Wordweb Pro that I am becoming a sluggard. I guess that means my imagination has reached the wall and I haven't got a clue how to get on with my adventures because I can not climb over it, dig under it, or go around it. For me, Outer Space is such a daunting wall surrounding the Earth.


I hope someone else finds a better way then the Space Agencies have so their imagination doesn't turn them into a sluggard too.

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Now that I am no longer bound by Moms rule; and Dad has fully released me from the last time she grounded me; I want to get out of the house and go in search of things that I might find amuse me. http://financehotela.com/yellow/images/73.gifhttp://financehotela.com/yellow/images/30.gif

Edited by xfgjjh
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Seeking amusement. That's a good start up rule. :geek:


I hope you find something which later keeps you amused enough to go and do, once in awhile for your amusement in your future, like a vacation activity after you tire of questing in your future quests.


I'd probably be investigating the disappearance of a friend right now. I went away from home so long ago. Well, okay, not very long ago, but what story would hold anyone's interest if it happened in a few hours.




The friend was a stickler for not going anywhere without a reason and my only reason was, "Adventure!". Maybe you would know it better if I called it, "Looking for a paying honest job." I began in the morning and was back by 3:00 PM that afternoon.


Adventure did not leave my lips, I told her I was going to look for work. That did not excite her mind enough to excite her thinking; so she'd go with me. When I got back it was obvious she decided to go on her own adventure.


Okay! I did investigate her disappearance. When I did find her again. She acted like she didn't even know me.


That was amusing. Do you agree?


Of course, now I have to chase out some rabble who thinks they might subdue me into being a good ol boy and give them my lunch. They held me up holding a cardboard sign saying, Will Work for Food. I was so stupid. I asked, "What kind of work do you do?"


I recall being told not to do somethings while I was out in the wild. For instance, "Don't pet the strange dog! Don't talk to STRANGE people!" I saw the kind of person Mother meant, because she pointed my head using both her hands to do so, so I could see the strange kind of people she meant.

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It's 11:00 AM.


The news at this hour.


Many members are posing questions about what The Elder Scrolls group will unveil at the June 14th event.


Many new members want to support modders by donating but they can't find a donate button on the modders pages.


Many find that the best way to be a friend is to donate, to the main body of the website, and have become Premium members.


Members at Nexusmods.com and Forums.nexusmods.com who have heart strings attached here appear to share one strong similarity. They all like to be able to make stuff in life and this is one of the first websites that attracted them and even me to it that added to the fun of being creative. Even Childlike and creative!


Question of the day: Did you find this website while surfing the Internet looking for a video game you might like to play?

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Now that I am no longer bound by Moms rule; and Dad has fully released me from the last time she grounded me; I want to get out of the house and go in search of things that I might find amuse me. http://financehotela.com/yellow/images/73.gif

Edited by vghjcg
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Good Journey to you! vghjcq


My first adventure probably would give you gray hairs. I started out walking along a two lane highway. I meant to hitch hike after awhile. The feeling of freedom and taking in the view along the way was great. Because of the sensation of being alive, on an adventure, was so strong I walked for miles without lifting my thumb once.


As dusk neared I was far from villages, towns, or any city. I could see across farm lands for miles, I noticed there were no houses, ranch hand shacks, or even roadside gas stations along the roadside as I walked. As my shadow stretched out behind me life as I knew it began to replay on my mind.


I have traveled that same route in days more recent and I've seen more buildings existing where there were none on the way as I strolled during my first adventure.

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  • 5 weeks later...

If you are into "Steam Punk" you might really like the game bundle. Steam punk style outfits and devices too.


If you don't mind slowly moving your mouse around a scene looking for the signs of needful things


Syberia's games from Microid will please you.


The story is a delight to anyone who like toys. INCLUDING "Mammoth fans" of Skyrim Mammoths.



I've played a lot of video games with point and click; with puzzles too, to solve that showed me just how tough it used to be being a gamer.


In some of those games I had to really slide the mouse pointer around slowly, and carefully, to find clues in among the scenary indoors and out. Sometimes it was a nightmare. I played a couple which were nightmares from my past.


Only back then the games would not have been consider that.


FALLOUT, was the norm for point and click, wait your turn games from Interplay.


Believe me when I say, I've become a officianado of easy to play games.


Oh! No! I am not saying they are not fun and full of complex puzzles.


It's just the games I had been playing more recently give me the eyes front views.


In the ones I played like Fallout 3, Oblivion, Fallout: New Vegas, and Skyrim I'm not watching my characters backside walking in front of me on the screen with the body partially blocking my view.


In the video game I found intriguing me lately it had sugary drivil like Lewis Carrol story fun. Literally loaded for the library book worm of science fiction and fiction,


While learning to control my old familiar moves in the fashion of the game I couldn't see some stuff until I got the character out of my line of sight. Unless I do, some objects I need to find are hidden even more by the characters body.


The only clue there is something there is that the mouse pointer highlight function turns to a hand or a brighter mouse pointer.


Fallout was tedious, compared with Fallout 3, and in the start up scene of Fallout 2 I found some slavers. By trial and error I won against slavers NPCs. They were stronger then my character. The only reason I went to all that trouble was; I still thought the game would give me the armor of anyone I won the battle with.


Fallout 2 was as tedious a point and click and wait for your next turn as any game that modern. The 1st battle I won in Fallout 2 didn't give up the armor I wanted from people my character defeated in fair combat.


I was furious that Fallout 2 wasn't as real as Fallout, when it came to getting new armor and weapons right at the start.


What prompted all this windy memory?


I decided to buy a couple of games from STEAM. It described the games I was seeing as point and click, puzzle games. I decided to buy a bundle, "Syberia and Syberia 2"


Wow! Beautiful scenary!


If you are into "Steam Punk" you might really like the game bundle. Steam punk style outfits and devices too.


If you don't mind slowly moving your mouse around a scene looking for the signs of needful things


Syberia's games from Microid will please you.


The story is a delight to anyone who like toys. INCLUDING "Mammoth fans" of Skyrim Mammoths.

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A word from our sponsors. :blush:


They'll appear once the golden idea gets their attention.


Stay out of my room! :nuke: :huh:


I was going to see if any of my old stuff was in my brothers room. :laugh:


Now where did I leave my golden idea?


Oh! There it is! Hey! Father are you still treasuring that golden idea on your desk? :yes:


Oh! Nothing. :rolleyes:


I'll get him a real nice Fathers Day card to add to the treasures on his desk to remind him he is a Great Bread Winner. :mellow:

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Hey! It's a dream come true. The count down clock is set for the June E3 Conference which Bethesday Softworks Inc. is hosting!


It's going to be a Really Big Show!


I hope you got your tickets and all of you are prepared. Don't forget to pack an extra toothbrush and a regular size bar of soap.


Those little bars in the hotel rooms don't always last through a good bath or shower.


Send the rest of us, "who are on the other side of the planet, or too disabled to attend" who watch here for updates, updates via your modular phones, "Please!"

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