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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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I used up all my High Speed Internet Gigabyte Allowance and can't download mods or upload pixs. All I can do is chat and sometimes even that takes the forum server computer a full minute to post.

I wonder if I moved to a place where they have fiber optics, 5 GHz service too, I wonder if I would return to being like I was when I was a child just getting good at being able to walk, climb, jump, and run excitedly around, only, become delighted about having such HIGH SPEED INTERNET and surfing like crazy to find others who are just enjoying the idea there are still many other exciting people to chat with and websites to see?

Oh the smoke you would see as I sped past! Oh the reflections of websites I saw that would be mirrored in my posts! What a WONDROUS TIME WE LIVE IN! Why does it have to be so slow?

When I was still small I remember I kept exploring and wandering off when I was able to explore, so much, Mom actually bought a chest harness with a leash to keep me from getting out of her sight when we were in the city.

To have that kind of energy and the strength, stamina, excited speed to race crazily around looking in every nook and cranny, around every corner, under every huge leaf, behind any tree, to climb any hill, or mountain to see what we could see everywhere and from up top. Wow!

It's amazing :woot: to think about now :teehee: while I miss the High speed :sad: . Thinking about the pix websites have I might see in the blink of an eye :wub: Faster than racing machines is how fast the speed of Internet Magic should always be.

After all, that's what the Internet is; a way to get thoughts and pixs across space in record times with no interruptions so we can keep from getting old and stale stinking up our space waiting for a response. :dance: :thumbsup:

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I've just discovered I am being invaded by spirits. Spooky kinds! The cats in the neighborhood appear to have found a way into the old building on the lot I paid off and now own. Shelves have been knocked over with bundles of parts on them. It's as if something ran through the place chasing mice across my work bench and behind the plastic fantastic easy to assemble shelves.


They left their mark on manuals. And I mean big cat poop in the middle of pages. I thought mice were a problem, until I found out that Racoons visited recently and may have been fighting over food and for space with the cats.


When are cat people going to keep their cats in their house, give them a indoor cat toilet, and get a leash to take them out for walks? They have toilet training for cats :laugh: if you haven't the money for a bunch of kitty bathroom pellets.


Hey you witches and witch men, you Cute little tutu dress princesses, fairy princesses, prince charmings, pirates, Wolfmen, Vampires, ghouls, goblins, and walking dead HEY!


Have a Happy Halloween!

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After reading the post I saw several of the driviling posts from two people and one of them still, kept suggesting s/he is a mindful spirit thinking being; thinking somehow they are an official of some sort from one of the Gods' followers who thinks they have been granted the powers to watch over the living that. From their posts it is clear that, that person has in mind the reflections and resists the temptation that their ancestors imbibed in.


I still think Vlad the Impaler was not thought of that way, especially by his field workers, who planted and tended the crops. It was probably only the ignorant uneducated hoards who got past a checkpoint at night and destroyed corn crops blindly chasing through the yet to mature corn crops that he impaled on the spikes.


Just so those ignorant innocent adult children spiked there could warn the uncoothe babes in the woods away from his crops during the growing seasons. They may have thought him bad so Vlad the Impaler he became in their campfire stories because, they saw their friends lining the borders of crops fields like scarecrows impaled on spikes all around the borders of his croplands.


None of who were old enough to understand the educated adult's living in castles ways. They themselves probably inspired the thoughts of many passerbys about horrid beasts that looked human doing things to each other with no reason or explanation. Of course. A childlike mind in an adult body, whose friend lay broken and tortured from their overly exciting moment of trial and error sighted from the coach passengers passing by who could not imagine how anyone was so uneducated to know what their phalanges were for. Sadly, the cleaner more educated people were sensible and left before seeing any more of the horror of a boy and girl one laying bloodied looking dead while the boy tried to determine what to do and was using anything from a branch to a twig to get her up and on her feet again.


So how did the Marce Desade get his ideas. No not from the ancient ones practice of raping as some of their young warriors pillaged villages of new uneducated neighbors who managed to learn how to grow a crop and grind flour, etc., etc.. Yes the manners of such fully grown adult bodies with minds less mature than a 13 year old. Adult people stupid about sex. Living in a castle or village or a city full of fine dressed stupid adult children who pretend to know better. It was believed that at least Mr. Desade his fantasies at bay by only writing about his fixations while observing other adults who still were practicing raids on the neighbors homes and taking their children as slaves for their house cleaning and caring for their property properly.


Oh! Yes! We don't want to forget the Howls of the lycanthropths. Bearded young men over the age of 13 but older than any children allowed in the castles playground. Because they had beards. They either were wizards, or they had beards with the nature to want to play with the younger children still protected inside the castle playground because even the 12 year olds had some talent that was kept quiet until they were 13 when they were made squires for knights or the king or queen's pleasures. At 13 they also had to take responsibilities for their actions. Which the towns court jesters were constantly on the watch to see. Since they as Court Jesters were charged to tell the truth and none were allowed to lay a disrespectful hand or harm them in any way.


It was the Court Jesters job to avert the young minds from doing bad things and change their behavior, or get reported on. Telling their kings and queens about those who could not be controlled to get judgement handed down.


To the dungeon for life or banished from the lands in the same for life, ne'er to return.

While I, on the other hand, the same Nord said to me, You like dancing close the fire don't you? Yeah I was born on the day the Patron Saint the church removed him from their feasts days in honor of the Patron Saints. Anyone want to buy a weapon. That's what he was, " Weapons dealer ".


Of course there is one flaw in the mix that was explained. I was bearing a weight making my mother uncomfortable and instead of waiting for the day to arrive and a completely natural birth be had she said, she had the shot to get me out before I gained anymore weight. As time as taught me, I recommend women do not be tempted by such a thought, because being born drugged is not a good way for a child to be and have to spend the rest of their life trying to find that nectar that was so sweet it made us want to be born rather than have no other problem than to want a life, that isn't chosen for me by someone who didn't attend my birth and know I was unbound by the woman bearing me forcing me into life under the wrong astrological signs.

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The Court Jester didn't bring laughter as much as it was that dismay fell on the ears while judging the members of the castle. Except at Dinner time when some of the stories were told that were so monstrously funny that they saw one of the castle's adults still with childlike maturity at 17 years of age.


Like a story about one woman who accidentally threw out the bucket out the window when tossing the wash water out the window and knocking a passerby unconscious.

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I was informed Wednesday; October 7, 2020 that the house I live in, I suspected was built on the remains of a barn used for stagecoach horses and such, was not the barn.


I learned what two, what I thought were, window wells made of concrete are. The one is a coal chute and the other is what remains of the boiler that it's exhaust pipe protruded from. Now I know I live in a building that once was a part of a hotel. It's walls in the basement were the only other thing that gave me a clue about it's past. I thought they were more likely for a barn because flat rocks about 2 to 3 feet long were mortared together in about ten foot high foundation walls. Consider the size of a boiler in the 1800's that could help to figure out just how high the wall was. I suspect the hotel may have been large compared to the 14 ft. wide and 35 ft. long house built upon the remains of the old boiler room and hotel frame work back when.


A man from a company that deals with water and environment technologies expressed his surprise at seeing the concrete window wells and assured me they were for a boiler in a boiler room that used to be below my computer rooms new floor.


I'm relieved a bit, because I was beginning to think that it an old barn I learned about. I'm living in what remains of an incredibly old hotel. Most likely built back in the 18th century while there was a gold rush still going on in the West. Silver was being mined in Monarch, Neihart, from the mountains between White Sulphur Springs and Twodot, Montana.


Mystery of my real life house and outbuilding solved.

It was part of a hotel. It was probably as fancy as they made hotels in the 1800s, but not as fancy as the one I dreamed up for story material for the Fallout 3 mod I built. Just like The Seder Hotel it was probably for rest and recuperation, Scavengers would likely have cleaned it out long before. Just like Fallout 3 people would after exiting the vaults in the Washington Wastelands.


Both share the same purpose. Nothing real fancy. Just a place for those who could use a place providing them a good rest and enough room boxes, a safe too to store some of their supplies.

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5 more days until that special day I am so excited about that I waited 364 days just to see what happens on that day again.


Just 13 days before this coming October 31, 2020 Halloween.


I'm remembering the ways I have learned to celebrate Halloween.


Oddly enough I've never gone anywhere on Halloween outside of a few blocks were I could get candy from the neighbors who gave us treats.


Hm? I think the way I live is giving me a different perspective on life than anyone else has.


I am beginning to get an idea for one of those old fashion stories that would fit right in with the comic book Tales from the Crypt comic books.

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It's October 13th all day! And on the fifth day after today a child I know real well was told by his Mother that she was given a drug so she would give birth to me, 13 days before October 31st; Halloween.


If what she told me is true; I'm what you get for doing labor inducing drugs, because you were too Eager to make my acquaintance.


I mean; she might not be my mother at all, and fabricating a story while she could have been induced to tell me the same story once a year while working on drinking a fifth and telling me that because maybe she never thought I would remember what a pain in the .... I was.



If you ever wondered about me, my state of mind, that is, and wanted to know me better that is? :geek:


MAD Magazine was one of my favorite rags.

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I've been experiencing a maddening experience. I have had to edit and correct my GRAMMA several times because my Student/Teacher copy of Microsoft's Word license was cancelled when I took the free download of Windows 10.


I hope I didn't overwhelm the persons following this thread because I have been doing my best to remember how to write sentences correctly without my GRAMMA frm Mixrorsifts Weird GRAMAR's aid. :laugh:

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Oh! All my life I have been searching for the real me. All my aged, well cured, and trained now I've had time to review.


After years of learning about how people wear masks over their masks I've begun to realize having been born 13 days before Halloween on the 31st of October.


The fun the elder children were having preparing for Halloween while I lay there in babes clothes in a cradle nearby sends a message to me this time of year and every minute of their excitement fills my Soul up with theirs.


After that special day I add another year to my life I'll be having fun listening to the whispers from the past. Talk about planning and making their costumes and preparing for the evening rounds going from neighbor to neighbors house hoping someone will have caramel covered apples, Popcorn balls, cookies, brownies, and store bought, yes in my youth store bought candy was a real expensive treat, and I'll be reliving those moments of just hearing, seeing, and being peered at, while laying there in my little blankee, by all those masked children before it was Halloween that month.


It seems more and more people are taking to putting on masks that shows us who they really think they are deep down. :devil: Or is that for some, High up? :geek: :woot: :laugh:


There is only 16 more days until the Fun Halloween Day's Eve is for the children and grown ups. Grown ups who still are a child hiding behind an adult mask. All that evening they will begin to revel and reveal as they party themselves!


Play Nice! :armscrossed:




Don't eat too much candy or you'll be buzzing around the house all night and the next morning with a mask on so you look like a sugar fly! :laugh:



Don't go having a Nightmare before Christmas now. Unless?!

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