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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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Rage at my weakness caused by terror of fire and smoke has me pondering the yoke upon me. Like family, friends, and pets I feel a need we all share. To find a safe place to be far from the horror of fire's sting. The strangest sense is holding me from moving beyond the keyboard. The little room full of lifeless items, toys, pictures, tools, among all the kinds of stuff that is barely secure from becoming roasted into ash. Am feeling I have feelings for all the inanimate objects?


One?! Or all the items? Which is it?!


Does one thing mean more to me then all the rest? More then just the collateral we living beings gathered to sell if we found ourselves in trying times?


Flesh of my flesh, animals for company and protection, and now this?


All save I am safe. I am here and I feel my feet weigh me down like lead. I sense this moment in time is like when I dreamed where I feel a need to run, but my dream motion is slowed as if I were up to my waist in water.


The smoke from the forest fire and dry crops stocks burning nearby threaten my strength and spirit. My body cannot withstand the fire, but I sense an attachment to all that stands to be turned into ash. Or is just such a one that is important I feel a desire to protect even if that means giving my life to do so? What am I willing to give my life to defend now? All the pictures of living memories along the walls, trophies and knick-knacks upon the shelves, or even ornaments of remembrance of better times on the lawn seem to be alive.


I could have bought a mobile home. It's too late for that now!


The smoke is seeping through seams needed to sealed for Winter. Now it seems there may not be a house here much longer. I know how far away the fires are. I could be fighting the fire only my aging health wouldn't allow for it. I let myself believe I would get old and fat with my lady fair. She is safe. She and all we treasure is with her. Why I cannot seem to move leaves me wondering.


What part of all that is here is keeping me from moving?


Maybe I am forgetting something of such great importance I dare not leave it behind?


If winds change the flames will arrive and lick at me, tasting the airs that rise from my flesh. What is holding me? What is in my mind buried beneath the wealth of wisdom? Do I hear a faint whisper? Is someone else in the building who can not get out without my help?


Or is this a dream?

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The Cow jumped over the Moon.




Later advertiser's using commercial artist made it a campaign to advertise that the MOON was made of Cheese. What a great way to get a bunch of 6 to 10 year olds excited about traveling in outer space to get Cheese during the 1950's?


Ooo! Cheese!


A myth to get children excited about traveling in outer space promoted the idea. Then the commercials on Television added from a short poem about a Cow jumping over the Moon too, that suggest "The moon is made of cheese".


Simpleton's used to be normal healthy people where educated people were considered CRAZY? REALLY?!


Link to someone suggesting The moon is made of green cheese?! Yuck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

GameStop just sent me an Update!


Tiny Tina?!

SEEMS SHE STILL IS Every young mans heart throb from the days of


While you are waiting for Tiny Tina's WONDERLAND at your fave game shop. Tiny Tina's Brand New GAME, you could play Tiny Tina's Cookiepocolypse for Fallout 4, OR, BREAKING WHEEL to pass even more time because at the purchase site it says it's pre-purchase is before the 3.25 release for those collectors. March 2025???


NO! I might not live that long!


I typed swiftly in a browser search engine (Google Chrome) insane with worry!


Tiny Tina's Wonderland and it's package deals for collector is really coming out in 3.22.


What a relief!


Phew! I might make it til then if the forest fire smoke with it's 176 UNHEALTHY Volatile Organic Contaminates don't get me first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's enough of me trying out to be an Advertiser. :ermm:


Time to get back to brainy stuff that I never had time to ponder. You might know we forget about those epiphanies, because some of us have all those family, relatives, and friends causing us to skip pondering life's mysteries we'd never think about, i.e., unless we have a lot of spare time to think crafty ways of making and giving words new ways of being put to good use. :geek:

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Because I had the desire to renew my ASTC card I drove to where I could visit a museum where I could renew the Association of Science and Technology Centers Travel Passport Program card... and see what the Museum had on exhibit that day.


I chanced to be there when an exhibit was on display about a people whose past appeared to have nearly been lost to history.

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Once upon a time there was a sleepy little village called TESNexus. To everyone's surprise, except mine, it turned into a thriving metropolis. Now run by a big business tycoon by the name of, because of the laws of the land and a person with higher rank, I can not name, without personal legal troubles.


Nexusmods has a store where we can buy, real items, more than just digital video games. One item I was expecting to find it's way into my cabinet over the kitchen coffee machine is a drinking cup with the Nexusmods logo on it.


Having a store where actual solids, like drinking mugs, are sold is a BIG step toward creating a fine metropolis and requires new rules to abide by.


If you've any interest in becoming a member of the Association of Science and Technology Centers Travel Passport Program becoming a card carrying member will get you a free pass into many museums around the world for members. It's a way to gain entrance into the passage that leads us to many of life's wondrous experiences.

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I[m putting pieces of my day of RL together with some recollections of real life and video game signs. Some poor souls on a video game I was playing last evening are grasping at straws trying their best to bring back their old players and win new ones. Doesn't look good when their service station for purchasing goods is almost half under dirt that can't be removed. They put the service building for customers in a place where they must have hurried to build it, cutting out the ground around it, and yet, in a days time the ground, the earth from the hill's slopes of land, have begun to bury portions of their buildings that are game developers constructs.


I am investigating how I can mix the latest with a story so I might be able to get to their developers before they loose anymore clients. If I could only earn real money for doing this...

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