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Blender to FO3 AGAIN.


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Could someone please help me i created a simple conversion of the vault suit and duster and export it and load it in Nifskope OK. But after adding it in the game world and loading FO3 it crashes when i select the armor to use , most of my knowledge of blender is just by randomly clicking and learning as i go but is there a specific export option I'm missing or something else as simple?


please could someone help as this isn't the first time I've had this sort of problem but until I'm told what I'm doing wrong or not doing at all I'll never get the hang of it. :(






Ok Edit it didnt crash this time but my charactor is now see through apart from his head and hands :S

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Import all your parts into blender. Delete everything you don't need, basically get it into the state that you want it to be in game.

Delete all skeletons/armatures.

Highlight all meshes, and import->nif->data/meshes/characters/_male/skeleton.nif

You can get this out of the fallout-meshes.bsa file using FOMM

Click 'import skeleton only + parent selected'

Select skeleton only and export your nif



There are some export settings that you need to have right, but that is the gist of it.

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heh. I'm having the same problem. Well, at least that was one of them.

I was doing some merging of Grifters fit and pants from Waldo mod.

Either the armor wasnt showing in game or the game crashed at load or the mesh looked like a wrinkled paper from a trash can :D ...

I didnt think this was gonna be so pain in the butt..

Needles to say Im a blender/nifskope/geck noob.

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Ok thanks I'll try that later on when i get home, I'm asuming that the male skeleton is used for the female meshes aswel? I dont recall ever seeing a female folder when using FOMM's BSA unpacker tool that's all.


EDIT: Ok it still invisible and i only just noticed that I'm getting alot of texture errors when selecting the mesh in the GECK? Example mipmaps missing on upperbodymale etc. I've not changed any of these from what was there when i imported it so its got to be down to the import/export again?

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Tried it.

No results.

Either the complete armor is missing, or jacket is showing but the pants don't.

oh yes, and the armor ingame (grifters fit) is in default pose mode like in nifskope. no animation...


Are versiona of blender, nifskope, nif import/export scripts a cause of this?

what version combinations of these programs are most reliable?


This is frustrating. Badly.

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Could someone please help me i created a simple conversion of the vault suit and duster and export it and load it in Nifskope OK. But after adding it in the game world and loading FO3 it crashes when i select the armor to use , most of my knowledge of blender is just by randomly clicking and learning as i go but is there a specific export option I'm missing or something else as simple?


please could someone help as this isn't the first time I've had this sort of problem but until I'm told what I'm doing wrong or not doing at all I'll never get the hang of it. :(






Ok Edit it didnt crash this time but my charactor is now see through apart from his head and hands :S


Yaaay! I got it! :D

Dude, do everything Quetzlsacatanango said.

BUT! download all the files from here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30

these versions work like a charm. I was having the same issues. It is probably because incompatibilities of various software versions of blender/nifskope/nif scripts etc...

Oh, and just one thing follow the instalation instructions carefully (installation paths) very crucial.

In the attachment is what I did in about 20 mins. Without the use of nifskope :)

All that with default import-export options.

Hope this will help you. Cheers!

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Yaaay! I got it! :D

Dude, do everything Quetzlsacatanango said.

BUT! download all the files from here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30

these versions work like a charm. I was having the same issues. It is probably because incompatibilities of various software versions of blender/nifskope/nif scripts etc...

Oh, and just one thing follow the instalation instructions carefully (installation paths) very crucial.

In the attachment is what I did in about 20 mins. Without the use of nifskope

All that with default import-export options.

Hope this will help you. Cheers!


Hmm ok ill try but im pretty sure i already checked that when i had problems installing said apps and instead went with newer versions of the above


Blender 2.49b

PyFFi 2.1.2

Python 2.6.4

Nif Scripts 2.5.1

Nifskope 1.0.21


If someone could double check those before i completely remove them to install older versions from Nexus.



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