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Moral Dilemma: Joining the Dark Brotherhood


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You also missed the "likely scenario" bit as well I see...


..and how do you know they aren't guilty of something? Door swings both ways on that point.


If you are going to kill any of the three you obviously don't care about them. Guilty or not.


Moral choice? If you were worried about moral implications you wouldn't even get to the shack to confront Astrid as you'd have completely ignored the rumour about the kid performing the sacrament.


But let's say you do Kill astrid? What happens next - you don't untie the captives and let them go - you leave them there, in a room with the corpse of an assassin. Likely in the hopes that they can escape on their own, or that the guards will go check on them. That's not exactly a moral thing to do.

You've left people bound and bagged in a location now known by yourself to be used by assassins. Nice going.

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You also missed the "likely scenario" bit as well I see...


..and how do you know they aren't guilty of something? Door swings both ways on that point.


If you are going to kill any of the three you obviously don't care about them. Guilty or not.


Moral choice? If you were worried about moral implications you wouldn't even get to the shack to confront Astrid as you'd have completely ignored the rumour about the kid performing the sacrament.


But let's say you do Kill astrid? What happens next - you don't untie the captives and let them go - you leave them there, in a room with the corpse of an assassin. Likely in the hopes that they can escape on their own, or that the guards will go check on them. That's not exactly a moral thing to do.

You've left people bound and bagged in a location now known by yourself to be used by assassins. Nice going.


How does the door swing both ways? It's exactly because you DON'T know that you shouldn't assume anything. Assuming things, especially when murder is concerned, is ignorant. I don't see how you'd think I meant that they are most likely innocent, I never said that. Uncertainty swings only one way. Uncertainty is uncertainty.

Umm if you care about morals you should check on the boy for sure. Killing that child abuser is the right thing in my opinion. My friend still has traumas of his abuse as a child, torturing children the way she does is a worse crime than some thief breaking into a house, yet those always seem to get the death penalty. Also, didn't the unofficial patches fix that last part and you can untie the prisoners? I know you can pickpocket the hoods off, and since the prisoners are gone the moment you step outside the building it's safe to assume that you freed them with the kill astrid option. To speak with your words: It's a gameplay mechanic, or in my words, simply bethesda being lazy.

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Morality in game is defined by you, as the player, and your character. You can play a persona character, one who is much like yourself, or you can play a character who will do things you'd never dream of doing. Developmentally, play is important. It's a way of confronting certain real-life questions and determining your stance on them while avoiding any serious consequences. Now, morality and playing very rarely come into contact with each other in the real world. Most of us stop playing when the game becomes too real.


That said, if you get invested in the events of the game and find that there are certain characters you actually care about, then there are game choices which may sit uneasily with you. In which case, it's important to remember that it's only a game whose events have no real-world consquences.

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Man, woman, innocent or criminal, no one is safe.


They'd even kill Maven, for the right price. Loyalty means nothing.

Well, unlike the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood are not directly connected to Maven, or anyone really.

They have a history of maintaining close relationships to the wealthy and powerful, and we do know that Maven has a working relationship with the Brotherhood.

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You also missed the "likely scenario" bit as well I see...


..and how do you know they aren't guilty of something? Door swings both ways on that point.


If you are going to kill any of the three you obviously don't care about them. Guilty or not.


Moral choice? If you were worried about moral implications you wouldn't even get to the shack to confront Astrid as you'd have completely ignored the rumour about the kid performing the sacrament.


But let's say you do Kill astrid? What happens next - you don't untie the captives and let them go - you leave them there, in a room with the corpse of an assassin. Likely in the hopes that they can escape on their own, or that the guards will go check on them. That's not exactly a moral thing to do.

You've left people bound and bagged in a location now known by yourself to be used by assassins. Nice going.

Actually, if you kill Astrid, you can untie the captives, and they will leave safely. This option does not appear if you decide to kill 1 of them and spare the others.

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My biggest dilemma in the dark brotherhood questline is... which one is guilty


Who said anything about guilt? She says there is a contract out out on one of the captives - the DB doesn't care about questions of morality, they only care about contracts.


It could be all of them or it could be none, you can't know, its a test to see if you'll unquestioningly follow orders from a known serial killer.



thus killing Astrid, a dark brotherhood member so most certainly not innocent, is the only *good* course of action.

It could also be said to be morally neutral in the sense that you're not going to be beholden to Astrid and follow her orders unquestioningly. In other words you're saying "get lost".



Man, woman, innocent or criminal, no one is safe.

They'd even kill Maven, for the right price. Loyalty means nothing.
Well, unlike the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood are not directly connected to Maven, or anyone really.

She likes to think she has some influence with them, but if someone where to put out a contract on her I don't think they'd have any qualms about killing her. She's not their protector and they're beholden to no-one. If they can kill the emperor I doubt they'd have many misgivings over a jarl wannabe. Even the thieves guild is careful not to step on the DB's toes.

Edited by soupdragon1234
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