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Rebuilding the world after Fallout 3


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Some of you seem to be forgetting that a GECK is not required for water purification. All that's really required is some knowledge of chemistry and maybe some physics, which the Brotherhood (and hell, Doctor Li) should have, and electricity to power the facility, which shouldn't be too big a problem since practically everything in the Fallout-verse is nuclear-powered. :biggrin:


First things first though: the wasteland needs agriculture. It's been pointed out numerous times in other threads. There are no obvious working farms in the wasteland. Hunting and gathering is clearly going on (mutfruit, squirrel on a stick, etc) but no obvious agriculture, which is a critical keystone (nay, the very foundation) in the development of a stable society. Unfortunately, there is a severe lack of uncontaminated soil. Harold may be of some help here, as plants may be able to leech contaminants (a la Nausicaa) out of the soil eventually.


The flight deck of Rivet City could be turned into a greenhouse, protecting plants from contaminated rain while they clean the soil. Rainwater could even be directed into a filtration system to produce more purified water to be used for the plants, or people. In the interim, food crops could be grown hydroponically. The remains of these food crops could be used as mulch, speeding along the production of clean soil.


Once agriculture is restored you would have a stable foundation from which to launch a restoration of government. You'd have people migrating to Rivet City to benefit from the relatively stable and safe food supply, many of them will likely learn how to do it themselves, and establish their own greenhouse farms. Others will provide trade, craftsmanship, and defense services. A system of government would naturally arise under these circumstances.


Now with something worth fighting and dying for, humanity would once again become unstoppable. The muties wouldn't even have a chance. Raider groups would either be killed, or disband once they see the risk/reward ratio of their lifestyle change, same for Talon Company. Pioneers would carry their knowledge (and more importantly, pure water and soil) to other points in the wasteland, starting new settlements or helping purify old ones.


All of this would likely take generations to occur, and not without some growing pains, but I think it inevitable -- once agriculture is reestablished.

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When I spoke about electricty I didn't mean in isolated pockets, I meant everywhere where settlements exsisted, and enough to put to use other than Liberty prime, weapons, and lighting. With agriculture does come civilization rebirth, but on a massive scale might take longer than implied, I mean if the C. Wasteland is going to be green again then we need enviormental stability, especially with rain. But yes, hydroponics will be the start of it, and when humanity reconquers nature, there's no keeping back the tide.
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The pious idea of 'times change - people change' is somewhat foolish, I guess ... after a brief look at our own impure history.

A Holy War - "James' Jihad" - was necessary to bring back the water of life to the people, and wars will be necessary to defend its possession and to keep it pure when a busy civilization returns from the graves.

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I've been wondering about the next enemy the Capital Wasteland ('UAS') could face after the destruction of the Enclave and Super Mutants. Just speculating here but maybe it could work-


Okay the Institute has been working with the Enclave all this team, building their plasma weapons, vertibirds and power armor. This would make sense since they've shown the technical know how by building androids, and possess similiar views on those they perceive as 'below them'. Now lets say Burke was working for them as an agent to prepare the way for their take over, this could tie the Megaton nuke attempt into the Enclave invasion as an act of genocide against mutated humans. Tenpenny Tower is formed as their power base in the wasteland (anti-ghoul) and Talon Company is serving their interests as well (assuming this from the notes from Burke on their corpses). After the nuke fails and the Enclave is destroyed Burke disappears and retreats with the remnants of the Enclave and Talon to the Institute. There they are combined into one effective force and reinforced with an android army for a 2nd invasion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I were some high-ranking figure in the events after the purifier and the destruction at the Adams Air force base here's what I would do (I'm tired and grumpy, so this may not appear very well thought out :tongue:):


My first course of action would be to migrate the minor settlements, like RoD, Girdershade, GNR etc. to areas surrounding either Rivet city or the Citadel. This will keep most everyone in the one spot, hence easier to protect and supply, and it will be a simple matter getting them to unite under one banner. They can all participate as a major workforce. The Citadel and Rivet city are both located near the Purifier and that is where any logical individual would place their major defenses. Then I would dedicate the resulting workforce to establishing a well-fortified trade route running from the Citadel to the Purifier to Rivet city. Keeping a large road well-maintained and defended would help a lot. After this is established successfully to some extent, I would use the workforce to clear out buildings surrounding this road to use as living quarters. It would be more than sufficient to hold the small population.


At this stage we would have a contained population and the proximity to the Citadel makes it easier for the BoS to defend it when under attack. After the populace is set up in this area, I would dedicate one of the buildings at the end of the bridge, opposite the Citadel side and have the BoS set up a small outpost to keep the surrounding areas defended. As work progresses this outpost and the surrounding area will be constantly being worked on, walls being built and robotic defenses being set up. The next thing to be done is acquire better equipment and technology. Whatever remains of Raven Rock will be scavenged, and anything at the Air Force base as well. This will help obtain Vertibirds and building materials and make it easier to transport people and supplies. Next I would dedicate my time to selecting experienced scavenger teams to go out into the wastes with Vertibirds and armed escorts to find anything useful, weapons, technology, reliable sources of food, that sort of thing.


While a large chunk of the population is scavenging, Rivet City's security force and any volunteers will be trained to use heavy weaponry and Power Armor. Also, a group of negotiators will be sent to any Outcast outposts to try and get them to unite against the common enemy in return for technology and weapons after the major mutant threat has been resolved. After a relationship for the time being is established with them, I would assign them to assistance in clearing the ruins of mutants. While it would be impossible to completely eradicate the mutants it would help to contain the threat and keep the civilians unharmed.


With the Outcasts appeased, the scav teams will be reassigned to go and clear out Fort Constantine with the help of a small armed force. They will be ordered to load as many nuclear warheads obtained from the fort as possible onto Vertibirds, and then relocate the weapons to a remote location. Experienced explosive experts will be assigned to reconfigure the warheads to be detonated upon command. Also, if possible, all of the robotics in Fort Constantine will be disabled and moved back to the Citadel for reprogramming or salvage.


When all possible warheads have been taken from the fort, a large force of Outcasts and BoS troops will assault Vault 87. They will go through Little Lamplight (through force if necessary) and into Vault 87, and then plant the warheads inside the Vault. At least three will be placed to ensure that nothing inside could possibly endure. Little Lamplight residents would be moved into downtown DC, and their teaching materials will be used to establish a school.


With the warheads placed, they will be detonated and the source of the Super Mutant threat will be gone. After that, the force of BoS and Outcasts as well as any armed forces will be ordered to clear out the Super Mutant threat in downtown DC. After that long task is complete, the Outcasts will be rewarded for their help, and then the rest of the populace will be directed to clear out any intact buildings to the point that they are inhabitable. Farms will be established outside of the DC area, namely near Megaton as that society is too large to be relocated but can still be of good use. Everything just keeps growing from then.


And that's my take. Kudos if you read all that crap.

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What about all the tech that could be acquired from the Zeta Mother ship? Possibly sending a BoS team up there to hack the computer to have the death ray for fire support in Missions into commonwealth/other far off territories. Not to mention possible adaptations of the Aliens umm fighters? for increased logistical support. Aside from this the new army could be trained in simulation pods similar to the AO pod but built in a secure facility. Parts Could be scavenged from all those fighters on top of rivet city. If possible uncover lost wings of Museum of technology and Museum of History. Just my 2 cents.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Building a Water purifier is actually rather easy. It's a Filter basically. Water itself can not be irradiated, it can't "hold" the Radiation for long, so it wont be irradiated for more then a fraction of a second when its clean of free of other stuff that is irradiated.

So a filtersystem would be like a small water purifier. Bring Electricity to the Settlements so they can run Pumps to filter large amounts of Water. Maybe have Solar Power, for Solarpanels can be built pretty much anywhere and they don't need fuel or anything at all to provide energy.

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