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Mod Knowledge Required


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So ive learned the hard way about letting NMM download all my mods.

I've adapted to manual Mod installing after being spoiled with Skyrim.

I cannot find this Mod anywhere.... after hours of crawling the web i reach out to the Mod community to assist me in locating this tiny file that will stop my game from freezing!


Game Errors out as follows:

TES3Stream Warning: Model "Meshes\b\B_N_Dark Elf_M_Hair_12.nif" tex not found "WAR_xDE_EARSm.tga"!

followed by:

Texture Load Error!:WAR_xDE_EARSm.tga


I do have the Dark Elf Hair 12.nif file in its proper location.

What i CANNOT for the life of me find is the WAR_xDUES_EX_NON_EXISTANT_BASTARD.tga ..........


I have downloaded MSGO and started building on it. If anyone has been more faithful in Morrowind modding then i should have been and recognizes this file and can tell me what MOD its from i would be extremely grateful.

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You should try using Wrye Mash and its installers tab. Lets you know what files are being used from what mods. If you never used it there is a bit of a learning curve however.


Also it looks like it's a mod including hair, so you might want to go over which mods you have with that, and a texture missing isn't supposed to make the game crash I don't think, at least if you have the yestoall enabled, which you have to add manually to the ini if you haven't.


Another thing, files with WAR usually belong to Westly's mods I think, so you might want to look at those ones you have.

Edited by Nightmirror3
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the engine automatically loads files with a certain filename in this order (regardless of file extension as long as it is .dds .tga or .bmp): filename.dds, filename.tga, filename.bmp

Often file reference inside the .nif (and the error message) is something.tga, but the real texture file in the mod archive is something.dds

If you can't find it here is a copy

Edited by abot
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Thank You! Dragon32

This was the Mod and im unsure how they were over written but now i can replace them!


Thank You! abot

Now i have the file and can stop the annoying pop-up!


Thank You! Nightmirror3

I will look into Wrye Mash but im so damn OCD that i figured if i did everything by hand that i couldn't possibly mess it up. Guess who was a green-horn.


Also i like the challenge of correcting all the issues that are brought up by the data load process.

I feel like i should be able to start the game with whatever mods i want installed and if it errors i should be able to fix it. At this stage its becoming more of a game to install and trouble-shoot mods (until this one)

I mean i've tweaked Skyrim so much its not even Skyrim (technically)

Again thanks for all the assistance doods!

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