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Some slowdown where there shouldn't be...


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OK, to start off I'll describe my PC...



Pentium 4@2.5Ghz

128MB RAM (Which I think is the problem)

55GB hard drive

Windows XP Home Edition

Nvidia Gforce 4 MX (Which I think is another problem, yet for some reason it wasn't before...I know it's the bad one, but that's what came with the computer...working on upgrading to the ATI Radeo 9800 pro)

I also have all three expansions...if that helps any.


I also have most of the settings all the way up (Such as draw distance, AI distance, and some others, but not that much), but that wouldn't effect MY problem.


That's all the pertenant info fo running the game. So on to the problem.


When I'm outdoors, even in areas like Balmora, the game runs smoothly. But for some reason when I go INDOORs it starts lagging when I'm near or facing doors, even doors that don't lead outside. On the original game (Pre-expantions), the game ran fine all around, indoors or not. When I installed Tribunal, there was a bit of lag when I turned to face a door, but that was only doors that lead to the outside. Now that I've installed Bloodmoon, I get massive yet uniform chop while indoors. I upgraded all my dirvers at roughly the same time as I installed Bloodmoon, one of which was a driver for the 3D Card.


What I want to know, is if it's perhaps some form of pre-loading that's making it slow down (On account of my pitiful RAM, which I'm working on). Or maybe if it's some kinda CD check, which I heard caused momentary pauses even in the original MW. I'm really anal when it comes to how smooth my games run, so it's making me kinda nuts. Any help would be appreciated...thank you.

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RAM i'd say. u need a minimum of 256 to ensure the game will run smoothly. when i first played the game, i had a geforce2 mx400 (worked fine), 1ghz CPU, and 128 MB RAM. the game would barely run at all, loading times took 5 minutes and it crashed when i tried 2 enter Balmora. but a m8 had some spare RAM chips in his car that he gave me (lucky!) and boosted it up to 294. had no problems with it since then
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