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Stuck Exiting Fort Grief


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Has anyone else done the mission to retrieve an item in Fort Grief (near Bravil) and as you go to exit the dungeon, you get stuck in the door or something and you cant click on anything or move atall. I have reloaded it just before I go through the exit door back to the main world but still same thing.


Can someone tell me how to move yourself a few metres maybe using the console commands?




Update: I found player.movetoqt command which moves you to your quest target. I was ported out of the bitbefore I was stuck. You are then given the real key to open fort grief but when I went to go back inside again, I was stuck in the limbo mode yet again. I tried the moveto command again which ported me to where i needed to go but was still stuck now next to the npc i needed to talk to . seems when you get into the limbo mode, havent found a way to get out of it yet.

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Once you have killed the three hunters and taken any keys form them, you will eventually find yourself back on the surface. Once on the surface you will be witness to a certain scene that no matter what you cannot interfere with.

Kill off the bad guy there and you will find a key on him.

Go back into the dungeon and use the key to gain access to the first room on the left (almost immediately after you enter the dungeon). It has an iron grill gate and you will see a familiar looking handle.

Turn the handle and then go back to the surface, where you will now find that gate open. You can use the boat to get back if you wish and report the sad news to the "Widow".


Hope it helps.

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It took me forever to find that room too. I forgot it was there and I went all the way back to the deepest depths of the fort. I spent probably about 35 minutes (in real time) searching the outside for a trigger to open the door. I believe there is also a chest in the room with something decent, so dont forget that.
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