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Simple Modification?


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Okay, I would think that for someone who really knows how to use the CS, that this would be a "slam-dunk". All I want to do is to make the storage containers (the chests and dressers and such) that are already in-game have a larger capacity. If, for instance, a regular chest holds 100Kilos/Pounds or whatever, how hard would it be to modify them so that they hold, say... 500Kg's/pounds?? Is this something I could do myself... with about zero knowledge of the CS??


Any help or direction mucho appreciated.

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lol well it CAN be done, but u'd have 2 edit every single container the game has to make them all hold that much. cos theres a different object depending on the contents, but if u want 2 make just normal ones hold that much then just do the following:

go to the container tab, and double click barrel_01 for empty barrels

barrel_02 - for the other type of empty barrel

chest_small_01 - for small chest

chest_small_02 - other type of small chest

com_basket_01 - basket

com_chest_01 - chest

com_chest_02 - chest different type

com_closet_01 - closet

com_cupboard_01 - cupboard

com_drawers_01 - drawers

com_hutch_01 - hutch

com_sack_00 - sack

com_sack_01 - sack type 2

com_sack_02 - sack type 3

com_sack_03 - sack type 4

crate_01 - crate

crate_02 - crate type 2

crate_de_dwrv00 - dwarven crate

crate_de_dwrv01 - dwarven crate type 2


erm... i THINK thats all of them. neways double click each of those and a window will come up, under the organic counter button is the weight, set that to the desired holding capacity (in ur case 500.0)


that should alter all instances of empty containers in the game to hold 500 pounds, if im correct :P

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Oh jeez Switch... I could have saved your fingers a few keystrokes!


I didn't mean EVERY container type... Just the chests and the dressers!! I just hate having stuff lying around my house or stronghold and those particular pieces of furniture sometimes get "full" before I'm done stuffing them, if you know what I mean.


Anyhoot... that's the information I needed! Thanks a ton!! ... so to speak.


Uh oh... just thought of something... suppose the container is located in a "plug-in" cell, say for instance my "Abandoned Flat"... will changing the value in the morrowind.esm file change the value of the container in the plug-in as well, or would I need to set the "plug-in" as the Active File and update the container there instead... or both??

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I've done the same thing and later realized that I for all the chests of that type they could only be opened by the key i made...well you could always make a new ID for a chest you want and play around with the holding capabilities (which is what i did) but it sounds to me like you want to just change them across the board. I would probably just make them into a mod so you can turn the properties on and off if there are any conflicts.
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I've done the same thing and later realized that I for all the chests of that type they could only be opened by the key i made...

I think I'm getting confused...


First off... what key are you referring to?? :blink:


I guess if I had to modify each specific container in CS (by it's object_ID or whatever), I could do that... I don't really need to modify the capacity of THAT many containers really... what, maybe a half dozen or so??


And if I have the crosshairs on the chest (or closet or whatever) I want to change the capacity of, and then open the console, won't that show the specific object_ID that I would need to be working with?


Maybe I'm not being clear about what I'm trying to do?


And I thought this was going to be soooooooooooo simple!! :lol:

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something that WOULD be simple is make ur own house mod by following this guide:


then just alter each of the chests u put in ur house to hold 500 pounds. OR u cud just download a good place to stay that has containers with holding capacity as high as 800. :P

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